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really they are in Africa, the honey guide bird guides the badger to the honey and then the badger breaks it and the badger and the honey guide bird eats it.they are a great team when they searches honey.................................................................. lol=laugh out loud

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Q: What areas do the honey guide bird and a honey badger live?
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What is the relationship between a Honey guide bird and Honey bager?

the relashionship between a honey guide and honey badger is, when a honey guide smells honey he sings a little tune and waits for a honey badger to come. when the honey badger reaches the honey guide the bird flies to were the scent of honey came from leading the badger towards honey.

Are a badger and honey guide bird buddies?

Badgers and honey guide birds have been observed working together to find food, such as honey. However, it is not accurate to say they are buddies since their relationship is based on mutual benefit rather than friendship or companionship. The badger relies on the honey guide bird to locate beehives, while the bird benefits from the badger's ability to break open the hive.

Is it honey that leads the honey badger and the honeyguide bird to the bee hive?

Larvae and wax are what draw the honeyguide bird to a bee hive whereas honey is what attracts the honey badger.Specifically, the bird in question (Indicatoridaefamily) carries the common name "honeyguide" because of a reputation for leading humankind to bee colonies in order to feed on larvae and wax after people take the honey. The mustelid mammal in question (Mellivora capensis) is human-like in a passion for honey and omnivorous in opportunistic feeding even though scientists classify the weasel-like badger as carnivorous.

Do humans use honey badgers for anything?

They are well known for their abilities to kill snakes by grabbing it behind the head with it's jaws and kill it. Honey badgers can devour a snake in 15 minutes. Honey badgers have a great appetite for beehives, and many of them have been stung to death by trying to eat the hive. A bird, called the honeyguide, will lead the honey badger to bees' nests. When a honey badger breaks the beehive, the bird will take it's share. The honey badger is one of the fiercest hunters of the desert, it's prey includes earthworms, termites, scorpions, porcupines, hares, and large prey like tortoises, crocodiles , and snakes (pythons and venomous species). It's ferocious reputation extends to attacking animals much larger than itself. The honey badger will eat dangerous venomous snakes, often the puff adder. When bitten the honey badger will become severely swollen and paralyzed,and will not move several hours. After a period of time the honey badger will awaken and continue eating its meal or its journey. A honey badger will steal a snake's kill, eat it, then continue to hunt the snake. This ferocious nature of the badger has earned it its image as a formidable creature. Honey badgers will dig into burrows of small rodents and flush them out for a small meal. The honey badger's has large front claws, and its ability to dig into burrows is very effective and will dig until the rodent found. Other wildlife are aware of this and Birds of Prey and jackals are usually ready to steal any kills which manage get past the honey badger.

How does a bird and a insect help a plant with its process?

Humming bird and honey bee help in the pollination of plants.

Related questions

What is the relationship between a Honey guide bird and Honey bager?

the relashionship between a honey guide and honey badger is, when a honey guide smells honey he sings a little tune and waits for a honey badger to come. when the honey badger reaches the honey guide the bird flies to were the scent of honey came from leading the badger towards honey.

Are a badger and honey guide bird buddies?

Badgers and honey guide birds have been observed working together to find food, such as honey. However, it is not accurate to say they are buddies since their relationship is based on mutual benefit rather than friendship or companionship. The badger relies on the honey guide bird to locate beehives, while the bird benefits from the badger's ability to break open the hive.

What animal would have symbiosis with honey guide bird?

They honey badger or ratel

What are the advantages and disadvantages that the honey guide badger and a bee have?

The honey guide bird can locate honey in a bees' nest but is unable to get to the honey for itself, so it guides the badger to the nest. The honey badger cannot find the nest easily by itself but, once shown the nest by the bird, the badger can open the nest with relative ease, using its huge claws. The badger eats the honey it wants and the bird feeds on the remains. This is an example of a symbiotic relationship. It is also sometimes called mutualism.

What is an African Honey Guide?

An African Honey Guide is a small bird in Africa that locates beehives with the help of a badger.

What happens if the honey guide bird or the badger weren't there?

They wouldn't have a relationship

How come honey guide birds and badgers live together?

The honey guide bird can locate honey in a bees' nest but is unable to get to the honey for itself, so it guides the badger to the nest. The honey badger cannot find the nest easily by itself but, once shown the nest by the bird, the badger can open the nest with relative ease, using its huge claws. The badger eats the honey it wants and the bird feeds on the remains. This is an example of a symbiotic relationship. It is also sometimes called mutualism.

Explain the symbiotic relationship between the honey guide bird and a honey badger?

The honey guide bird and honey badger have a unique symbiotic relationship where the bird guides the badger to beehives in exchange for sharing in the spoils of honeycomb. The badger uses its powerful claws to break open the hives, and the bird then feeds on the leftover insects and beeswax. This partnership benefits both species as they work together to locate and access food sources that would be challenging to find on their own.

Why do honey badgers and honey guide birds live together?

When the honey guide bird finds a bee hive with honey, it makes a certain noise. Then the honey badger follows the sound of the bird until it find it, and the bee hive. The badger then breaks down the bee hive and the badger and the bird eat all the honey :) and live happily ever after ;p

Why do the honey guide bird badger and bee live together?

because there attracted to eachother.

What is the symbiotic relationship between the honey guide bird and badger?

The honeyguide bird and badger have a symbiotic relationship where the bird guides the badger to beehives, and the badger helps break open the hive for them to eat. The badger then consumes the honey and larvae, while the honeyguide also benefits from accessing the hive once it's opened.

Why do honey badgers eat honey?

Honey is the honey badger's favorite treat, although they do not rely on honey, but the nutritious bee hive is a sought after delicacy. The honey guide bird, has a habit of leading honey badgers to the bees' nests, and eats the honey, larvae, and wax from bee hives.