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Q: What area specializes in the identification and examination of skeletal remains?
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What has the author Janet Friedman written?

Janet Friedman has written: 'Wood identification by microscopic examination' -- subject(s): Plant remains (Archaeology), Wood, Identification, Antiquities

The identification of human skeletal remains is the primary focus of what?

The identification of human skeletal remains is the primary focus of forensic anthropology. Forensic anthropologists analyze skeletal remains to determine factors such as age, sex, ancestry, stature, and unique characteristics to assist in identifying individuals. This information is crucial in criminal investigations, disaster victim identification, and historical and archaeological research.

How do anthropologists determine the gender of skeletal remains?

Anthropologists determine the gender of skeletal remains by examining certain morphological features such as the pelvis, skull, and long bones. The pelvis is especially important as it can provide reliable indicators of sex due to anatomical differences between males and females. Genetic analysis can also be used for accurate identification of gender in some cases.

Are coral reefs skeletal remains?


What are the sediments in organic sedimentary rocks?

Skeletal and plant remains.

How do you put the word remains in a sentence?

The detective analyzed the skeletal remains found at the crime scene.

What is a biological accumulation of the skeletal remains of plants and animals?

The biological accumulation of the skeletal remains of the plants and animals make up the fossils. A fossil refers to the trace of plants or animals that survived in the past.

Dactylography remains in use throughout the world What is it?

The study of fingerprints as a method of identification.

What English king's skeletal remains are two cities fighting over?

Richard III.

How would you know from skeletal remains that a women had given birth?

By looking at the pubic symphysis.

Can DNA be used to identify 200 year old human skeletal remains?


What is constructed primarily from the skeletal remains and secretions of corals and certain algae?

A coral reef.