Well people say that humans evolve from monkeys but life on Earth has evolved through billions of years through small microorganism's. Also humans didn't evolve from apes, we evolved from a common ancestor but we just evolved in a different way to apes due to environment e.g. food, predators etc
The evolved gas is carbon dioxide (CO2).
They evolved together, couldn't get one w/o the other.
Complex organisms evolved from simple organisms, so simple organisms evolved first.
Scientists believe birds evolved from dinosaurs because of several pieces of evidence, such as shared skeletal features, fossil records of "transitional" bird-like dinosaurs, and genetic similarities. These connections suggest that birds are the descendants of a group of small theropod dinosaurs.
Oxygen gas is evolved during photosynthesis as a byproduct of the light-dependent reactions in the chloroplasts of plant cells.
Ash's Pokémon that evolved are his Caterpie which evolved into Metapod and then into Butterfree, Charmander who evolved into Charmeleon and then into Charizard, Krabby which evolved into Kingler, Pidgeotto which evolved into Pidgeot, Chikorita which evolved into Bayleef, Treecko evolved into Grovyle and then into Sceptile, Taillow which evolved into Swellow, Snorunt which evolved into Glalie, Phanpy evolved into Donphan, Starly which evolved into Staravia and then into Staraptor, Gligar evolved into Gliscor, Turtwig evolved into Grotle and Chimchar evolved into Monferno. and infernape
they evolved from the acoustic guitar which evolved from the lute which evolved from the harp i believe.
It evolved.
it evolved them
The Evolved was created in 2006.
Vullaby only has one evolved form which is its evolved form of Mandibuzz. Vullaby does not have a second evolved form.
They have evolved to be more accurate.
Eukaryotic cells evolved from prokaryotes.
Buneary's evolved form is Lopunny
The evolved form of Finneon is Lumineon.
there isn't an evolved form of pacharisu
the evolved from of Cherubi is Cherrim