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Each storm is unique, but there are some common factors. Watch for a sudden drop in temperature or a radical shift in wind direction. Frequently, there is an eerie calm that fills the sky before a funnel cloud drops from the sky.

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4w ago

Weather indicators for a tornado can include dark, greenish skies, large hail, a loud and continuous roar or rumble resembling a freight train, a rotating, funnel-shaped cloud, and a sudden and noticeable shift in wind direction. Additionally, a tornado watch or warning issued by meteorological authorities is a clear indicator of potential tornado activity in the area.

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Is a tornado weather?

Yes. A tornado is a violent weather event.

Did weather cause tornado to form?

Yes. A tornado is a type of violent weather event.

Is a tornado a meteorology?

There is no such thing as "a meteorology". Meterology is the scientific study of weather. A tornado is a weather event.

Is a tornado weather related or geologically related?

A tornado is a violent rotating windstorm, making it a weather phenomenon.

Why did they invent tornado's?

no body invented tornado the tornado just gets formed by weather

What weather does a tornado create?

A tornado is typically associated with severe weather conditions, including strong winds, heavy rain or hail, and thunderstorms. Tornadoes can also produce intense rotation and funnel clouds, leading to widespread destruction and devastation in their path.

When a tornado has been seen in the sky or on a weather radar in your area the national weather service issues a what?

The National Weather Service issues a tornado warning when a tornado has been spotted on the ground or indicated by weather radar in your area. This is to alert residents to take immediate shelter and protect themselves from the approaching tornado.

Is a tornado geologic in nature?

No, a tornado is not considered geologic in nature. Tornadoes are atmospheric phenomena that result from weather patterns and conditions, such as thunderstorms and air masses interacting in specific ways to create rotation within a cloud. Geology, on the other hand, deals with the study of the Earth's materials, structures, processes, and history.

Is a tornado a type of weather?

Yes. A tornado is a type of violent windstorm.

How do you know when a tornado is near?

Signs that a tornado may be near include a dark, greenish sky, large hail, a loud roaring sound, and a visible funnel cloud. If you hear a tornado warning or see these signs, seek shelter immediately.

What is one indicator that a thunderstorm may produce a tornado?

One indicator that a thunderstorm may produce a tornado is the presence of a rotating wall cloud. This is a large, lowering cloud that exhibits rotation at the base of a thunderstorm. When combined with other factors such as strong winds and changing weather conditions, it may increase the likelihood of tornado formation.

What is a tornado watch and what should you do?

A tornado watch is a weather advisory that means that current weather conditions are favorable for tornadoes but no specific area is in imminent danger. If a tornado watch is issued pay close attention to the weather advisories and maybe keep a weather radio handy. If a tornado warning is issued seek shelter immediately.