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non- vascular plants have no vascular tissues and they are not considered as true plant. they are also called as thallophytes. vascular plants have vascular tissues,they are the xylem and phloem. xylem tissue transport water and dissolved nutrients from roots to leaves, while the phloem transports them up to the leaves and other plant parts.they are also called as tracheophytes. the vascular plants have 2 groups and they're spore- bearing and seed- bearing plants. the seed- bearing has 2 groups, angiosperms and gymnosperms. the non- vascular pant has 1 group, the bryophytes.

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13y ago
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8mo ago

Vascular plants have specialized tissues that transport water, nutrients, and sugars throughout the plant, allowing them to grow larger and more complex. Non-vascular plants, like mosses and liverworts, lack these specialized tissues and rely on diffusion and osmosis to move water and nutrients within the plant. Vascular plants are better adapted to living in a variety of environments and tend to be more successful in colonizing new habitats than non-vascular plants.

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12y ago

Vascular plants have the vascular tissues xylem and phloem. Xylem carries water from the roots to the leaves and phloem carries sugar manufactured in the leaves to areas in the plant where it is needed.

Non vascular plant do not have vascular tissue, but use the water in which they must be in , or near, to get the water into leaves for photosynthesis.

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15y ago

two types of vascular tissue plants are: plants without seeds and plants with seeds.

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11y ago

Liverworts, hornworts, and mosses are phylums of nonvascular plants.

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10y ago

Non-vascular plants are very small, and they lack roots. Mosses, hornworts, liverworts, and algae are all types of non-vascular plants.

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13y ago

Vascular plants are plants with tubes, non vascular plants are plants without tubes.

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13y ago

Vascular: Trees; Oak, Magnolia, etc.

Non Vascular: Plants; Marigolds, Lilies, etc.

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10y ago

Two types of vascular plants are trees and ferns. Other examples of vascular plants are grasses and shrubs.

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Q: What are vascular plants and non-vascular plants?
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There are more vascular plants than nonvascular plants in the world. Vascular plants have specialized tissues that efficiently transport water and nutrients throughout the plant, enabling them to grow larger and in a wider range of habitats compared to nonvascular plants. Vascular plants include ferns, flowering plants, and conifers, while nonvascular plants include mosses and liverworts.

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In the plant kingdom, vascular and nonvascular plants are known as the two types of plant classifications based on the presence or absence of vascular tissue. Vascular plants have specialized tissues for conducting water and nutrients, while nonvascular plants lack these specialized tissues and rely on other means for transportation.

How are vascular plants different from nonvascular plants?

Vascular plants have specialized tissues for transporting water and nutrients, like xylem and phloem, while nonvascular plants do not. Vascular plants can grow taller due to their ability to transport materials, while nonvascular plants are typically low-growing due to a lack of internal transportation system. Vascular plants can also better adapt to dry environments compared to nonvascular plants.

How are seed plants different from nonvascular plants?

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