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a underwater mountain

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Q: What are underwater mountains found at divergent plate boundaries were the seafloor spreads apart?
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Which type of boundaries is seafloor created by?

Seafloor is created at divergent plate boundaries called the mid-ocean ridges.

Where are most divergent boundaries found?

On the seafloor. Yes, the mid oceanic ridges are all divergent boundaries.

What boundary creates seafloor spreading?

A divergent boundary creates seafloor spreading. At these boundaries, tectonic plates move apart, allowing magma to rise from below the Earth's surface and create new crust at the mid-ocean ridges.

At a divergent boundary land is gained or lost?

At a divergent boundary, land is gained. Ocean ridges are prominent at divergent plate boundaries. Ocean ridges are areas of seafloor spreading. Seafloor spreading occurs as upwelling magma rises to the surface. This upwelling magma hardens and forms new seafloor.

What occurs at plate boundaries that are associated with seafloor spreading?

At plate boundaries associated with seafloor spreading, two tectonic plates move away from each other, creating new oceanic crust between them. Magma rises to the surface, solidifies, and forms mid-ocean ridges. This process contributes to the widening of ocean basins and the continuous movement of Earth's lithosphere.

What happens when divergent boundaries occur in the middle of the ocean?

A ridge with transverse faults is formed, where new oceanic crust (seafloor) is formed.

What happens when divergent boundaries occur in the middle of an ocean?

A ridge with transverse faults is formed, where new oceanic crust (seafloor) is formed.

What occurs at divergent boundaries and creates new seafloor?

At divergent plate boundaries the spreading of the tectonic plates results in the reduced pressure of the underlying magma. As the spreading continues, lava fills in the area of spreading and cools, becoming the newest addition to the seafloor. This process occurs at a steady rate ranging from a few centimeters to several centimeters of new sea floor each year. However, at a different location opposite the newly formed seafloor are convergent plate boundaries where land and seafloor is destroyed to make room for new seafloor.

What happens when you have divergent boundaries by submarine eruptions and intrusions of rhyolitic magma?

When divergent boundaries are associated with submarine eruptions and intrusions of rhyolitic magma, it can lead to the formation of new oceanic crust. Rhyolitic magma is rich in silica and tends to be more viscous, resulting in explosive eruptions that can build underwater volcanoes and contribute to seafloor spreading. The cooling and solidification of this magma at the boundaries can create hydrothermal vents and mineral deposits that support unique ecosystems.

In the process of sea floor spreading what happens when magma rises to the earths surface and solidifies?

When magma rises to the Earth's surface during sea floor spreading, it solidifies to form new oceanic crust. This process leads to the creation of mid-ocean ridges and the continuous widening of the ocean floor. The solidified magma, now cooled and hardened, becomes part of the crust that will eventually move away from the ridge as new magma rises to take its place.

In the process of sea-floor spreading what happens when magma rises to Earth's surface and solidifies?

Yes. Seafloor spreading is the term given to the creation of new seafloor at divergent boundaries. At a divergent boundary, two oceanic plates move apart, which obviously means that something must then surface to fill the void. This is where the magma rises from the Earth's interior and cools to become seafloor. On the other end, at convergent boundaries, the old seafloor is forced under the continental plates, where it is recycled back into the Earth's magma supply.

How do divergent boundaries of oceanic crust form islands?

Divergent boundaries of oceanic crust form islands through a process called seafloor spreading. As the oceanic plates move apart, magma rises up to fill the gap, solidifies, and eventually forms new crust. Over time, this continuous process can lead to the formation of underwater volcanoes which eventually rise above sea level, forming islands.