Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria is found in two types: a type III-S (smooth) and type II-R (rough) strain. The smooth strain covers itself with a polysaccharide capsule that protects it from the host's immune system, resulting in the death of the host, while the II-R strain doesn't have that protective capsule and is defeated by the host's immune system.
The smooth type has a "coat" that prevents it from attacks from the host's immune system and it is very virulent.
differ from what?
In what ways, if any, does a single-celled organism differ from its parents?
They differ because one is cool and the other one is awesome
Bacteria grows rapidly and there a ways and one of the main ways to stop them from multiplying is to kill them with alcohol or chemicals
They can cause infextions and diseases
Blue green bacteria has color pigments and bacteria doesn't and bacteria is made with many products for humans to use and blue green is harmful they live inc ponds ,mrivers , lakes
Bacteria looks more glossy, white or yellow Molds will have a fuzzy look to them
Bacteria and archaea are both types of single-celled microorganisms, but they differ in their cell wall composition, genetic makeup, and metabolic processes. Bacteria have a cell wall made of peptidoglycan, while archaea have a different type of cell wall. Archaea also have unique genetic sequences and metabolic pathways that set them apart from bacteria.
religion is like music in a few ways. religion can be smooth or rough. And music can correspond to the religion and also in many countries there is religious music.
Fungi is part of the Eukarya domain... Having more than one cell, and having cells with a nucleus. If their size doesn't tell you how much they differ, then consider the fact that Fungi are decomposers, feeding off plant and animal life, and bacteria have uncountable ways of feeding. As an added note, Fungi are stationary. Bacteria can move around.
Facultative anaerobic bacteria can survive with or without oxygen, while obligate aerobes require oxygen to survive and obligate anaerobes cannot survive in the presence of oxygen.
habitats can differ temperture,moisture,and many other ways.
Smooth - a surface that is even with no roughness or bumps. Rough - a surface that is uneven, with variations in height and texture. Soft - a surface that is gentle to touch and gives a feeling of comfort.
Bacteria lack a membrane-bound nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles that are present in eukaryotic cells. Additionally, bacteria have a cell wall made of peptidoglycan, while eukaryotic cells typically have a cell wall made of cellulose or chitin.
Archaea and bacteria are both single-celled microorganisms, but they differ in their cell wall composition, genetic makeup, and environmental preferences. Archaea have unique cell wall structures and genetic sequences, while bacteria have different cell wall components and genetic characteristics. Additionally, archaea thrive in extreme environments, such as hot springs and deep-sea vents, while bacteria are more versatile and can be found in a wide range of habitats.
differ from what?