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Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria is found in two types: a type III-S (smooth) and type II-R (rough) strain. The smooth strain covers itself with a polysaccharide capsule that protects it from the host's immune system, resulting in the death of the host, while the II-R strain doesn't have that protective capsule and is defeated by the host's immune system.

The smooth type has a "coat" that prevents it from attacks from the host's immune system and it is very virulent.

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Q: What are two ways that rough bacteria differ from smooth bacteria?
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They differ because one is cool and the other one is awesome

How do you stop bacteria from multiplying?

Bacteria grows rapidly and there a ways and one of the main ways to stop them from multiplying is to kill them with alcohol or chemicals

In what ways are bacteria harmful?

They can cause infextions and diseases

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