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A scientist might ask through what process the whale obtains the carbon dioxide. Additionally a scientist might ask what effect the carbon dioxide would have on the surrounding environment.

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4w ago

A scientist might ask:

  1. How much carbon dioxide is absorbed by a whale's body and how does it contribute to the carbon cycle in the ocean?
  2. What impact does a whale's movement and respiration have on the distribution and concentration of carbon dioxide in the water surrounding it?
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Q: What are two things a scientist might ask about the movement of carbon dioxide through a whale and its surroundings?
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How is the movement of oxygen in the body similar to and different to the movement of carbon dioxide?

Both oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported in the blood. Oxygen is carried by hemoglobin in red blood cells, while carbon dioxide is mainly transported as bicarbonate in plasma. However, the mechanisms of their diffusion and release in tissues and exchange in the lungs differ, with oxygen diffusing from alveoli into the blood and carbon dioxide diffusing from tissues into the blood.

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Organisms exchange oxygen for cellular respiration and carbon dioxide as a waste product through processes like breathing or photosynthesis.

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Animal cells exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide with their surroundings through a process called diffusion. Oxygen enters the cell and carbon dioxide exits the cell through the cell membrane. This exchange occurs based on the concentration gradient of these gases inside and outside the cell.

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Both Glucose and Carbon Dioxide don't pass through the red blood cells but stay in the yellow watery part of the blood called plasma

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Amoebas obtain oxygen and release carbon dioxide through diffusion. Oxygen from the surroundings enters the amoeba's cell membrane, while carbon dioxide diffuses out of the cell membrane into the environment. This process occurs due to concentration gradients.

Why do you think a scientist studying this whale and its surrounding would need to understand the structure of atoms?

A scientist studying a whale and its surroundings would need to understand the structure of atoms in case something was negatively affecting the whale or its surroundings. It could be a pH imbalance or some other toxic chemical present. Regardless, atoms play an important role in Biology.

What is the carbon dioxide and oxygen cycle of a stingray?

Stingrays do not have a specialized respiratory system for gaseous exchange like other marine animals. They rely on the diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide through their skin and gills to exchange gases with their surroundings. Oxygen is taken up from the water and carbon dioxide is released as waste.

What are three things fluids can do?

Fluids can flow and take the shape of their container. They can exert pressure on their surroundings and transfer energy through their movement. Fluids can also transmit heat by convection.

How is carbon dioxide is produced through human activity.?

Climate scientist agree that carbon dioxide levels are rising because of the two human activities of deforestation and burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that is causing global warming and climate change.

How is heat involved in the sublimation of carbon dioxide when it changes from a solid to a gas?

Heat is required to overcome the intermolecular forces holding the solid CO2 particles together, facilitating the transition from solid to gas without passing through a liquid phase. This process is endothermic, as it absorbs heat from the surroundings, leading to a decrease in temperature of the surroundings.

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Energy is transferred from a house to the surroundings through processes like conduction (heat passing through solid materials), convection (heat transfer through fluid movement, like air), and radiation (heat emitted from objects in the form of infrared radiation). This transfer of energy helps regulate the temperature inside the house and maintain a comfortable living environment.

Is a forensic scientist really a scientist?

yes they go through school just as a regular scientist does.