A centromere and a pair of sister chromatids
Chromosomes are structures within cells that contain our genetic information in the form of DNA. They are not like individual words in a book, but rather more comparable to the entire book itself. Each chromosome contains many genes, which are like individual instructions that help determine our traits.
An individual strand of chromosome is called a chromatid. Chromatids are the two identical DNA molecules that make up a duplicated chromosome. During cell division, chromatids separate from each other and are allocated to each daughter cell.
When genes are located on the same chromosome, it is called gene linkage. This can influence their inheritance pattern because they tend to be inherited together, unless crossing over occurs during meiosis.
One chromosome consists of two chromatids connected by a centromere.
A centromere and a pair of sister chromatids
The chromosome's role is to tell the stem cells what to make and how to look like. For example, if you have brown eyes, and the genetic code is 01001, then that is what the chromosome tells the cell to look like and function like.
Chromosomes are structures within cells that contain our genetic information in the form of DNA. They are not like individual words in a book, but rather more comparable to the entire book itself. Each chromosome contains many genes, which are like individual instructions that help determine our traits.
Two chromatids connected at the centromere make up one chromosome.
A species that contains two copies of each chromosome is called diploid. Each pair of chromosomes, one from each parent, make up a diploid set in the organism.
An individual strand of chromosome is called a chromatid. Chromatids are the two identical DNA molecules that make up a duplicated chromosome. During cell division, chromatids separate from each other and are allocated to each daughter cell.
When genes are located on the same chromosome, it is called gene linkage. This can influence their inheritance pattern because they tend to be inherited together, unless crossing over occurs during meiosis.
y chromosome is the chromosome that makes males, alcoholism has nothing to do with it unless you make the choice to drink
The small parts that make up your spine are called vertebrae. The vertebrae are the individual bones that stack together to form the spinal column
Describe the chromatic that make up a chromosome when a cell is ready to split