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Q: What are two elements that occur naturally in the ground?
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Which two actinides occur naturally?

Uranium and thorium are the two actinides that occur naturally in the Earth's crust. They are found in low concentrations and have important roles in various nuclear reactions and processes.

Do all the 116 known elements occur naturally on Earth?

No, only the elements up to Uranium (Z=92) occur naturally on Earth. The rest have only been made synthetically, because of their radioactivity which renders them unstable and thus unable to exist naturally. The synthetically made elements are called transuranic elements.

What are two types of elements from or in the periodic table?

Naturally occurring and man made elements

Which chemicals occur naturally in the air?

I wouldn't say that many chemicals occur naturally in the air, however Oxygen and Nitrogen are the two main gases that make up the Earth's atmosphere.

What best describes how a compound naturally occurs?

The molecular formula

How many elements occur naturlly on earth and space?

nintey two

Where does an elephant occur naturally?

There are two types - distinguishable by ear size. The African or the Indian elephant

What are the two most abundant elements in the solid earth?

The two elements that commonly occur within the earth crust are Oxygen and Silicon.

What two types of elements must join a for a covalent bond to occur?

Two non-metal elements must join for a covalent bond to occur. Covalent bonds involve the sharing of electrons between atoms to achieve a stable electron configuration.

Where do get water from?

Water is a compound of Hydrogen and Oxygen (H2O) and is formed naturally when the two elements meet in the right conditions.

What are combined elements?

Combined elements refer to two or more substances or components that have been physically or chemically mixed together to create a new compound or mixture. These combined elements can exhibit properties different from those of the individual elements.

Which two elements occur in a nature as liquid?

Two elements that commonly occur in nature as liquids are mercury and bromine. Mercury is a naturally occurring liquid metal, while bromine is a non-metallic element that exists as a liquid at room temperature.