Semi-permeable. Permeable means things can pass through, so semi-permeable means only some things can pass through.
Cytoplasm carries food and water to the cells.
Proteins called motor proteins are responsible for moving substances through the cell body. These motor proteins can walk along structures called microtubules inside the cell and carry substances along with them to different parts of the cell.
Endocytosis is the process that uses transport vesicles to take in molecules for the cell. It requires energy in the form of ATP to carry out the engulfing of substances by the cell membrane and their transport into the cytoplasm.
both inorganic and organic compounds
Many toxic substances are carried out of the body through the blood stream, including alcohol.
mRNA is transported out of the nucleus through nuclear pores in a process called nuclear export. This allows the mRNA to travel to the cytoplasm where it can be used as a template for protein synthesis.
Semi-permeable. Permeable means things can pass through, so semi-permeable means only some things can pass through.
the substances that blood carry as it goes around in the body are the vitamins, nutrients, hormones, chemical substances, oxygen and CO2 or carbon doixide
Cytoplasm carries food and water to the cells.
Proteins called motor proteins are responsible for moving substances through the cell body. These motor proteins can walk along structures called microtubules inside the cell and carry substances along with them to different parts of the cell.
The cytoplasm and nucleus are two essential components of a cell. The nucleus is the control center of the cell, containing genetic material and directing cell activities. The cytoplasm surrounds the nucleus and contains various organelles that carry out specific functions. The nucleus communicates with the cytoplasm through pores in the nuclear membrane, allowing for the exchange of materials and information between the two regions. Overall, the cytoplasm and nucleus work together to maintain the cell's functions and processes.