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bananas apples and cocnuts bananas apples and cocnuts

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16y ago
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1mo ago

Some common vegetation in a tropical rainforest includes dense tree canopies, epiphytes like orchids and bromeliads, lianas, ferns, and a variety of broadleaf plants. The forest layers range from emergents towering above the canopy to the understory plants struggling for sunlight on the forest floor. These diverse plant species contribute to the rainforest's high levels of biodiversity.

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15y ago

tropical and there's lots pf plants and vegies

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12y ago

There are many different plants such as moss, blossoms and trees because of the equality of the sun and precipitation many different plants and trees grow.

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15y ago

Vegetation is thick with broad leaves for catching the most amount of sunlight possible.

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11y ago

moses,lichens and shrubs

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12y ago

broad leav evergreen

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14y ago

Mixed forest

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Q: What are the vegetations for a tropical rainforest?
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