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In most cells (viruses are an exception) DNA codes for protein and mRNA. Some viruses contain RNA which in turn codes for DNA and proteins, although I do not think they would be called units of heredity.

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4w ago

Genes are the units of heredity that code for proteins and RNA. Genes are specific sequences of DNA that are transcribed into RNA molecules, which are then translated into proteins. These proteins and RNA molecules carry out various functions within the cell and are important for an organism's traits and characteristics.

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12y ago

An allele. For example, if mom is heterozygous for green eyes, but has blue eyes, let's call that Ee (allele). If dad is homozygous for blue eyes, let's call that EE (allele). E=blue eyes and e=green eyes. E is dominant and e is recessive, or blue eyes are dominant and green eyes are recessive. Using a Punnet Square model, the offspring will have a 100% chance of blue eyes. The genotypes within the Punnet Square would EE and Ee. There would be only one phenotype: blue eyes. If both parents carried the e, or green eyes gene, though, there would be a 75% chance of the offspring having blue eyes and a 25% chance of the offspring having green eyes. The genotypes within the Punnet Square would be EE, Ee, and ee. The phenotypes would be blue eyes and green eyes. Hope this wordy answer helped!

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Q: What are the units of heredity that code for a protein and RNA called?
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