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A drop in atmospheric pressure.

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1w ago

A rapid decrease in atmospheric pressure indicates stormy weather approaching. This drop in pressure is often associated with low-pressure systems and can signal the presence of inclement weather conditions such as storms or heavy rainfall. Monitoring changes in pressure can help predict and prepare for upcoming stormy weather.

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What type of pressure change indicates stormy weather?

Decreasing pressure

How are pressure measurements related to weather prediction?

Decreasing pressure indicates stormy weather. Increasing Pressure indicates better weather.

What does stormy mean on the barometer?

When the barometer needle falls rapidly, it indicates a stormy weather pattern approaching. This change in atmospheric pressure usually signifies an imminent decrease in weather conditions and the potential for stormy weather ahead.

What are millibars and how do they affect weather?

Millibars are a unit of measurement used to quantify atmospheric pressure. Lower pressure typically indicates stormy or rainy weather, while higher pressure usually indicates fair weather. Monitoring changes in millibars can help predict weather patterns and trends.

You check a barometer and observe that the air pressure has been dropping all day. Is tonight's weather more likely to be calm or stormy?

clam or stormy

What do high and low pressure on a barometer indicate?

High pressure on a barometer indicates good weather conditions with clear skies and calm winds, while low pressure typically indicates the likelihood of rain, clouds, and potentially stormy weather.

When does a barometer indicate stormy weather?

A barometer indicates stormy weather when the atmospheric pressure drops rapidly. A sudden decrease in pressure suggests that a storm system is approaching, typically bringing strong winds and heavy rainfall. This drop in pressure can be a sign that unsettled weather is on the way.

What kind of pressure indicates stormy weather?

A drop in barometric pressure usually indicates stormy weather. As the pressure decreases, it often means that a low-pressure system is moving in, bringing unstable conditions like rain, thunderstorms, or snow. On the other hand, a rising barometric pressure typically signals improving weather conditions.

If stormy weather is approaching the pressure tendency probably be?

The pressure tendency will likely be falling as stormy weather approaches. This drop in pressure indicates that the atmospheric conditions are becoming unstable, which is often associated with the development of precipitation and strong winds.

What barometer indicates that foul weather is approaching?

A falling barometer indicates that foul weather is approaching. When the atmospheric pressure decreases rapidly, it typically means that a low-pressure system is moving in, which can bring stormy weather like rain, thunderstorms, or snow.

What kind of weather is coming if the air pressure is falling?

If the air pressure is falling, it typically indicates the approach of low-pressure weather systems, which are often associated with cloudy skies, precipitation, and potentially stormy conditions. This can mean an increase in wind, rain, or snow depending on the season and temperature.

Stormy weather occurs in a .?

Low Pressure Area