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Because the fetal lungs are inactive, the pulmonary circuit is bypassed. Half of the blood that enters the right atrium flows directly into the left atrium through the foramen ovale. The remainder flows from the right atrium to the right ventricle, then into the pulmonary trunk. The second bypass, the ductus arteriosus, transports the blood directly from the pulmonary artery into the aorta so it can be sent into systemic circulation.

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1mo ago

The two fetal circulation bypasses found in the fetal pig are the ductus venosus and the foramen ovale. The ductus venosus allows blood to bypass the liver, while the foramen ovale allows blood to pass from the right atrium to the left atrium, bypassing the pulmonary circulation.

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13y ago

The interatrial septum of the fetal heart is incomplete. The foramen ovale (literally, "oval door" connects the two atria and allows blood entering the right heart to bypass the pulmonary circuit and the nonfunctinal fetal lung.

The second bypass, is the ductus arteriosus, exist between the pulmonary trunk and the aorta.

At of shortly after birth, these shunts close, completing the separation between the right and left side of the heart.

In adults the foramen ovale is revealed by the fossa ovalis and the ligamentum arteriosum is the fibrous remnant of the ductus arteriosus.

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Where can fetal pig diagrams be found?

Fetal pig diagrams can be found in biology textbooks, anatomy websites, and educational resources such as science museums or universities that offer biology courses. They are commonly used in biology classes for hands-on learning and understanding of anatomy.

How does a fetal pig obtain energy?

A fetal pig is fed by its mother through an umbilical cord just like a human fetus.

What is the description of the inner wall of the stomach of the fetal pig?

The inner wall of the stomach of the fetal pig is lined with gastric mucosa, which contains gastric pits leading to gastric glands. These gastric glands secrete enzymes and mucus that aid in digestion. The lining also has rugae, which are folds that allow for expansion of the stomach.

Identify two body cavities found in the fetal pig?

Two body cavities found in the fetal pig are the thoracic cavity, which contains the heart and lungs, and the abdominal cavity, which contains organs such as the liver, stomach, and intestines.

If a section of a lung is cut from a fetal pig and dropped in a glass of water it will sink as it contains no air. Give an explanation why the lung of a fetal pig would not contain air.?

The lungs of a fetal pig do not contain air because a developing fetus receives oxygen and nutrients from the mother's bloodstream through the placenta, not from breathing air. Therefore, there is no need for the lungs to be inflated with air until birth when the piglet starts breathing independently.

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What are the characteristics in the fetal pig?

Some key characteristics of fetal pigs include their small size, lack of fur, closed eyes and ears, underdeveloped limbs, and presence of umbilical cord attached to the placenta. Fetal pigs also have a developing skeletal structure, digestive system, and circulatory system.

Description of hair found on fetal pig?

The hair found on a fetus pig is typically short, sparse, and fine in texture. It is mostly concentrated on the extremities, such as the snout, legs, and tail, and can vary in color depending on the piglet's breed. This hair is not fully developed and may continue to grow and change as the piglet matures.

Why would you not expect to find food in the stomach of the fetal pig?

There is a very good reason there is no food found in a fetal pig's stomach. The fetal pig was never born.

Why are the ventricles of a fetal pig thinner than the walls found in the adult pig?

Fetal pigs are not as developed as an adult.

What organs are found in the thoracic cavity of a fetal pig?

The trachea, heart, lungs, bronchial tubes, thyroid gland, and the larynx are found in the cavity of a fetal pig.

What is the green debris found in the stomach of a fetal pig?


What is a rostrum of a fetal pig?

the rostrum is the snout of a fetal pig

What is the function of the epididymis of the fetal pig?

The epididymis in a fetal pig is responsible for producing sperm. It is located on one testicle in the fetal pig.

Where is the cardiac sphincter found in the fetal pig?

Controls passive from the esophagus into the stomach.

What is location of the ovaries of the fetal pig?

In the fetal pig, the ovaries are located near the kidneys, closer to the dorsal side of the body. They are situated in the abdominal cavity, next to the kidneys and slightly towards the rear end of the pig.

In a fetal pig what is the main function of the cranium?

The cranium in a fetal pig, just like in humans, serves to protect the brain. It also provides structure and support for the head, and allows for the attachment of muscles and ligaments necessary for head movement.

How long can a fetal pig live?

A fetal pig is an unborn pig used in schools for dissection. Therefore, a fetal pig doesn't have a life span, because they never actually lived.