

Best Answer
  1. fuel
  2. moderator
  3. cooling system
  4. control rods
  5. SCRAM system
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Q: What are the three main components of a fission reactor?
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The three main barriers in a nuclear power plant to prevent release of fission products are?

The three main barriers are the fuel cladding, the reactor coolant system, and the containment building. The fuel cladding encases the nuclear fuel to prevent the release of radioactive materials, while the reactor coolant system circulates water to cool the reactor and remove heat. The containment building is the final barrier that surrounds the reactor to prevent the release of radioactive materials in case of an accident.

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Fusion reactors produce less radioactive waste compared to fission reactors. Fusion reactors use abundant sources such as deuterium and lithium for fuel, while fission reactors use limited sources like uranium. Fusion reactions release more energy per unit mass of fuel compared to fission reactions.

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Carbon dioxide, oxides of sulfur and nitrogen, acetylene, methane, cyanides, and many more. The main concerns for a nuclear reactor are the potential for radiation leaks and the warming of adjacent waterways.

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