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All inner planets have approximately the same type of structure: a central metallic core, mostly iron, with a surrounding silicate mantle.

The mantle is covered by the crust. The surface is part of the crust.

The surfaces are made of rocks.

In the case of the Earth, about 70 % of the surface is actually the water of the oceans.

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Q: What are the surfaces of the inner planets made of?
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What 3 ways do inner planets differ from outer planets?

Inner planets are smaller and made of rock and metal, while outer planets are larger and predominantly made of gas and ice. Inner planets have few or no moons, while outer planets have numerous moons. Inner planets have solid surfaces, while outer planets do not have solid surfaces, instead having thick atmospheres.

Which is not true in the inner planets?

The inner planets are closer to the Sun compared to the outer planets, have solid rocky surfaces, and are smaller in size compared to the outer planets.

How do the surface materials of the inner and outer planets differ?

The inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) have rocky surfaces composed of silicate minerals and metals. The outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) have gas surfaces, primarily composed of hydrogen and helium. Additionally, outer planets may have icy surfaces due to the presence of water and other ices.

Why are inner planets different than outer planets?

Inner planets, such as Earth, Mars, Venus, and Mercury, are smaller, denser, and composed mainly of rocky materials. They have solid surfaces and relatively high temperatures. In contrast, outer planets, like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, are much larger, primarily made of gases and ice, and have lower densities. They also have no solid surfaces and are much colder than inner planets.

What are the inner planets and the outer planets and how do the planets in the two groups differ?

The inner planets of our solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, while the outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Inner planets are smaller, rocky, and have solid surfaces, whereas outer planets are larger, gaseous, and have no solid surfaces. The inner planets are much closer to the Sun compared to the outer planets.

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What 3 ways do inner planets differ from outer planets?

Inner planets are smaller and made of rock and metal, while outer planets are larger and predominantly made of gas and ice. Inner planets have few or no moons, while outer planets have numerous moons. Inner planets have solid surfaces, while outer planets do not have solid surfaces, instead having thick atmospheres.

Which is not true in the inner planets?

The inner planets are closer to the Sun compared to the outer planets, have solid rocky surfaces, and are smaller in size compared to the outer planets.

What do inner planets have that outer planets dont have?

Inner planets have solid surfaces and are composed mostly of rock and metal, whereas outer planets are gaseous and lack solid surfaces. Inner planets are also closer to the Sun and have shorter orbital periods compared to outer planets. Additionally, inner planets have fewer moons compared to the outer planets.

Are the inner planets made of rocks?

Yes, the inner planets of our solar system (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) are primarily made of rock and metal. They have solid surfaces composed of materials like silicate rock and metal ores.

How do the surface materials of the inner and outer planets differ?

The inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) have rocky surfaces composed of silicate minerals and metals. The outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) have gas surfaces, primarily composed of hydrogen and helium. Additionally, outer planets may have icy surfaces due to the presence of water and other ices.

Why are inner planets different than outer planets?

Inner planets, such as Earth, Mars, Venus, and Mercury, are smaller, denser, and composed mainly of rocky materials. They have solid surfaces and relatively high temperatures. In contrast, outer planets, like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, are much larger, primarily made of gases and ice, and have lower densities. They also have no solid surfaces and are much colder than inner planets.

Do all the inner planets have rocky surfaces?

Yes. They are the terrestrial planets.

What is another name for inner planets?

Another name for inner planets is terrestrial planets. These are the planets that are closer to the Sun and have rocky surfaces.

Do inner planets have rocky surfaces?

Yes, inner planets like Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars have rocky surfaces. These planets are primarily composed of silicate rocks and metals, with solid surfaces that are differentiated into crusts, mantles, and cores. The rocky surfaces of these inner planets differ in terms of composition, age, and geologic processes that have shaped them over time.

What are the inner planets and the outer planets and how do the planets in the two groups differ?

The inner planets of our solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, while the outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Inner planets are smaller, rocky, and have solid surfaces, whereas outer planets are larger, gaseous, and have no solid surfaces. The inner planets are much closer to the Sun compared to the outer planets.

Why are inner planets called rock planets?

They have solid surfaces composed of rock.

How are the inner planets different then the outer planets how?

The inner planets have rocky, hard surfaces, are small, and have a more presentage of containing metal objects.