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They're all mammals.

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8mo ago

The similarity between the bat, dolphin, and tiger is that they are all carnivorous animals that use echolocation to navigate their environments. Additionally, these animals are known for their exceptional hunting abilities and strong social structures within their respective groups.

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Q: What are the similarity between the bat the dolphin and the tiger?
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How are a Dolphin and a bat the same?

Both are mammals

What are the similarity between a bat and a whale?

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"Tiger" is tigris (-is or -idis, m. or f.). "Bat" is vespertilio (-onis, m.).

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There are two native land mammals in New Zealand. Both are bats:* The New Zealand lesser short-tailed bat: Mystacina tuberculata * The New Zealand long-tailed or wattled bat: Chalinolobus tuberculatus

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Barry Bond's bat is about thirty one inches long. Between seasons he will switch between a 32 ounce bat and a 35 ounce bat.

What is the awesomesness of tiger code for deadly planet?

I have checked it andit works it it bat, track , skull , paw

What is a uropatagium on a bat?

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