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Both metals are radioactive and members of the actinoids family.

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Q: What are the similarities between actinium and plutonium?
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What are some similarities of copper and plutonium?

Copper and plutonium are metals.

Which element exhibit radioactivity?

Several examples are uranium, thorium, radon, actinium, protactinium, plutonium, americium, etc.

Is plutonium an actinide nuclear fuel?

Yes, it is. Specific isotopes of plutonium can be used for nuclear fuel. An actinide is an element of the periodic table with an atomic number of 89 (actinium) or higher. Plutonium is atomic number 94. A link is provided.

Is actinium used in guitars?

Any link between actinium ang guitars; actinium is very rare, expensive, radioactive and dangerous.

What are the difference between plutonium and uranium?

Plutonium and uranium are both radioactive elements used in nuclear reactors. Plutonium is man-made and produced in nuclear reactors, while uranium is naturally occurring. Plutonium is more toxic and poses a greater health risk compared to uranium.

What does a actinium taste like?

Actinium is a highly radioactive element and is not safe to taste or ingest. It can pose severe health risks due to its radioactivity. It is not recommended to come into contact with actinium in any form.

Is actinium magnetic?

Actinium is not inherently magnetic. It is a radioactive element with no magnetic properties in its standard form at room temperature.

How many protons and electrons and neutrons does actinium have?

Actinium has 89 protons and 89 electrons. The number of neutrons can vary between isotopes, but the most common isotope, actinium-227, has 138 neutrons.

Who are members along with uranium in the actinides family?

The other actinides are: actinium, thorium, protactinium, neptunium, plutonium, americium, curium, berkelium, einsteinium, californium, fermium, mendelevium, nobelium, lawrencium.

What are the different charges of plutonium?

Plutonium has all valences between 1 and 8.

How do you make plutonium on alchemy classic?

Any link between plutonium and alchemistry.

What family is plutonium in?

The actinides (or actinoids) family contain the following elements: actinium, thorium, protactinium, uranium, neptunium, plutonium, americium, curium, berkelium, californium, einsteinium, fermium, mendelevium, nobelium, lawrentium; beginning with neptunium the elements are only artificially obtained.