The minimum school hours per day in California is 6 hours. The actual school hours of specific schools depends on the district.
School hours in California can vary depending on the district and individual school. However, typical elementary schools start around 8:00 am and end around 2:30 pm, while middle and high schools often start around 8:30 am and end around 3:30 pm. It is best to check with the specific school for their exact hours.
Louisiana is 2 hours ahead of California.
No, California is 2 hours behind Iowa.
Minnesota is almost always two hours ahead of California.
It is two hours ahead.
A flight from California to Italy typically takes around 11-12 hours, depending on the specific departure and arrival cities.
It depends on which type of school it is. A middle school averages 6.5 hours, and a high school averages about 7 hours.
How many hours of schooling did you get in Texas? California requires 1600 hours so if you dont have 1600 you nedd to get the remaining hours left at a school in Tezas or California. Then you would have to apply for the state board testing in California and get your liscense there as well.
Louisiana is 2 hours ahead of California.
No, California is 2 hours behind Iowa.
ohio is 3 hours ahead of california
The Troy High School is located at East Dorothy Lane, Fullerton, California. The official website for the school provides further information, such as contact details and opening hours.
7 hours in school 7 hours in school 7 hours in school
The school year in California was a traditional school year in 1960. The school year in California continues to have traditional school year calendars.
California to where?? Or where to California? Depends on where you are.
Illinois is two hours ahead of California.
5 hours
California is 3 hours behind Michigan