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owners invented places on costal areas peoples like malls marine animals are affected

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Q: What are the reasons why coastal areas are converted for infrastructure?
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Why the huge energy oceanic waves causes destruction of coastal areas?

Huge energy oceanic waves, such as tsunamis, can cause destruction of coastal areas because of their immense force and volume of water. When these waves reach shallow coastal waters, they slow down but increase in height, resulting in a rapid and powerful surge of water onto land. This can lead to widespread flooding, erosion of coastal infrastructure, and devastation of the surrounding areas.

What are the reasons for the low density of population in inland areas of the Arab gulf states?

The inland areas are mostly desert, with trade and living activities around the coastal areas

What are the reasons for low density of population in the inland areas in the Arab gulf states?

The inland areas are mostly desert, with trade and living activities around the coastal areas

What are the reasons for the low density of population in the inland areas of the Arab gulf states?

The inland areas are mostly desert, with trade and living activities around the coastal areas

How does wind effect Coastal areas?

Wind can have a variety of effects on coastal areas, including erosion of coastal cliffs and dunes, creation of large waves and storm surges that can cause flooding and damage to infrastructure, and influencing weather patterns by bringing in moisture from the ocean. Wind can also impact maritime activities such as sailing and fishing.

How does water erosion affect coastal areas?

Water erosion in coastal areas can lead to the loss of land through coastal retreat, increase in sedimentation in nearby water bodies, change in coastal morphology, and impacts on biodiversity. It can also result in the degradation of ecosystems and infrastructure, as well as pose risks to human settlements and livelihoods located along the coast.

What are the damages due to cyclones?

Massive loss of lives and property due to the heavy rains and strong winds .Destruction of cultivation .Breaking down of infrastructure facilities .Flooding of sea in coastal areas .

What are the reasons for high density of population of coastal areas in the Arab gulf states?

Good atmosphere, better medical facilities and better job opportunities.

Why temperature in coastal areas is less than areas far away from coastal regions?

because of distance from the sea

How many coastal areas are in Wyoming?

Since Wyoming is not located on any oceans or seas, there are no coastal areas in Wyoming.

What are the Impacts of increase in sea level?

An increase in sea level can lead to coastal flooding, erosion of shorelines, and loss of habitats for marine and coastal species. It can also increase the frequency and severity of storm surges, threatening communities located in low-lying coastal areas. Additionally, rising sea levels can contaminate freshwater sources and affect agriculture and infrastructure located near coastal regions.

Which Region are The Coastal Plains?

All low lying coastal areas.