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fossil or fossil record hope this helps -sj

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4w ago

Fossils are the preserved remains of living organisms arranged by age in the Earth's layers. They provide evidence of past life forms and help scientists understand the history of life on Earth through the process of fossilization. By studying fossils, researchers can reconstruct the evolutionary relationships and environmental conditions of ancient organisms.

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Q: What are the preserved remains of living organisms arranged by age?
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A fossil. Fossils are the remains or traces of once-living organisms preserved in sedimentary rock.

What are preserved remains of a living thing called?

Preserved remains of a living thing are called fossils. Fossils can be bones, shells, imprints, or traces of ancient organisms that have been preserved in rocks. They provide valuable information about past life forms and environments.

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Fossils are the remains of living things that have been preserved in the Earth's crust. These can include bones, shells, plants, and traces of organisms such as footprints or burrows. Fossils provide valuable information about ancient life forms and environments.

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Inorganic remains are the non-living components of organisms, such as bones, teeth, shells, and scales. These remains can be preserved in the fossil record and provide valuable information about past life forms and environments.

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preserved remains of an animal or plant or living thing IS a fossil. dont mistake that with tar. tar is a mixture of once living things. ~your welcome

A trace of living organisms preserved in a rock?

Is a fossil.

What are the remains of living things that have been preserved in the earths crusted?


What are the remains of living things that have been preserved in the earths earth?


What are the remains of living things that preserved in the earth's crust?

They are called fossils.

Preserved remains or traces of living things?

Fossils are preserved remains or traces of living things that provide evidence of past life on Earth. These can include bones, teeth, shells, tracks, and imprints of organisms from millions of years ago. Studying fossils helps scientists understand the history of life and how species have evolved over time.

Why is a fossil not in a mineral?

A fossil is not considered a mineral because it is made up of organic materials (such as bone or shell) that originated from living organisms. While minerals are formed through geological processes without the involvement of living organisms, fossils are the remains or impressions of once-living organisms that have been preserved in the earth's crust.

What are the remains of living things that have been perserved in earth's crust?

Fossils are the remains of living organisms that have been preserved in the Earth's crust. This includes bones, shells, imprints, or traces left behind by plants and animals that lived in the past. Fossils provide valuable information about the history of life on Earth and how organisms have evolved over time.