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halley`s comet

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Some other examples of comets include Comet Halley, Comet Hale-Bopp, and Comet Hyakutake. These comets are known for their brightness, size, and visibility from Earth.

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Which direction does Halley's Comet point?

Same as any other comet: away from the Sun.Same as any other comet: away from the Sun.Same as any other comet: away from the Sun.Same as any other comet: away from the Sun.

What is the average price on Comet dishwashers?

Comet dishwashers are no longer sold. As of November 2012, the comet company have stopped selling products. It would be advised to research other dishwashers as the Comet dishwashers are discontinued.

How was Halley's comet created?

It was created like any other comet: Ice chunks fuse together to the nucleus of the comet and it obtains an orbit around the sun.

When did Comet first start producing clutches?

Comet first started producing clutches and other components over fifty years ago. Comet is one of the brands of the Hoffman Comet Industries Inc company.

Were does a comet tail face?

A comet tail faces away from the sun, due to the solar wind pushing the gas and dust particles emitted by the comet away from the solar system. This creates the characteristic tail that can be observed from Earth.

Which electrical goods are sold by Comet?

Although all Comet Group stores were shut down on 18 December 2012, they sold various electronics. Examples of their merchandise include digital cameras and televisions.

Are there any comets other than Halleys comet?

Yes, there are many comets other than Halley's comet. Comets are icy bodies that orbit the Sun and often have elongated orbits that bring them close to the Sun. Some well-known comets include Hale-Bopp, Comet NEOWISE, and Comet Lovejoy.

What is the other name for shooting stars?

Comet and meteorite.

What names are given to different comets?

Comets are typically named after their discoverers, with the addition of a numerical code to indicate the order of discovery in a given time period. For example, Comet Halley is named after astronomer Edmond Halley who predicted its return in 1758. Other comets may be named based on specific characteristics or observations made about them.

What man is named after a comet?

Halley, named after Halley's Comet. Edmund Halley was a British astronomer who calculated the orbit of the comet that now bears his name.

What is comet made of?

A comet is often described by Astronomers as a 'Dirty Snowball'. This is because a comet comprises of Ice, from frozen gases mixed with dust and other particulate matter, collected on its orbital path.

What is a ball of ice dust and gasses that travels through space and orbits the sun?

a comet/meteorite