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Every point on Earth has a different set of geographic coordinates. If your maps

have latitude and longitude grids printed on them, then you can estimate the

coordinates of any place you see on the map, or find a place if you have its


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Since we cannot see your map... we cannot help you !

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Q: What are the latitude and longitude of point A?
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Is California longitude or latitude?

Every point on Earth has both a longitude and a latitude. And if someone gives you a longitude and a latitude, you can use them to find exactly one point on Earth.

What is the latitude and longitude of the point of the equator and the international date line?

The point where they cross is zero latitude / 180° longitude.

Which states contain longitude and latitude?

Every point on the surface of the earth has latitude and longitude. If the latitude and longitude of a point are given and they're sufficiently accurate, the point can be found within less than an inch, anywhere on earth.

Where is 24N longitude and 55E latitude?

24 N is latitude, 55E is longitude. That point is in the UAE.

Is the democratic republic of Congo on latitude or longitude?

Every point on Earth has a latitude and a longitude. Together, they tell you exactly where the point is located.

What states have the same longitude and latitude as oregon?

Once you name a longitude and latitude, you've nailed down a single point on the Earth's surface, and no other point anywhere on Earth can have the same longitude and latitude.

Why are lines of longitude and latitude important on a map or globe?

Latitude and Longitude are used to point to exactly where you want to be

Is the meridian longitude or latitude?

Every point on a meridian has the same longitude.

Is the kilauea map its on longitude or latitude?

Every point on Earth has a longitude and a latitude. The only exceptions arethe north and south poles. Each of them has a latitude and every longitude.

What are the latitude and longitude coordinate of Germany?

Germany is a rather large place. The northern most point of Germany is at Latitude 54.908199, Longitude 8.651733. The southern most point is at Latitude 47.275502, Longitude 10.184326. The western most point is Latitude 51.053481, longitude 5.869446. The eastern most is Latitude 51.272226, Longitude 15.04097.

Can you specify a point a point on mars by its latitude and longitude?


What is the Tropic of Cancer in longitude or latitude?

The latitude of the Tropic of Cancer is 23.5o North of the Equator. There is a point on it at EVERY longitude.