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The renal system lies in the upper area of the abdomen; the renal system consists of the pair of kidneys, ureters, bladder, and the urethra.

The main function of the renal system is to get rid of waste that is found in the urine. The amino acids that are not immediately required are broken down in the liver to make urea, this urea is carried in the bloodstream to the kidneys for elimination of waste.

The functions of the renal system, which are performed by the kidneys, are to regulate and maintain the balance of electrolytes and the pH of the fluid that has been processed.

The electrolyte balance is maintained by regulating the amount of the fluid. Fluid passing through the kidneys is monitored and the correct concentrations of ions such as hydrogen, sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, sulphate, and phosphate are ensured.

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13y ago
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4mo ago

The urinary system helps maintain the body's fluid balance by regulating the volume and composition of blood. It filters out waste and toxins from the blood and excretes them in the form of urine. Additionally, the urinary system helps regulate blood pressure and produce hormones involved in red blood cell production.

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13y ago

The urinary system consists of the bladder, 2 kidneys, 2 ureters, and a urethra. The kidneys a a filtering organ that filters urine and other water soluble by products out of the blood. Urine then passes through the ureters and into the bladder. When the bladder is full this gives you urge to urinate. Then the urine passes out through the urethra.

The kidneys are also an electrolyte regulator. The kidneys will excrete and reabsorb sodium, calcium, and potassium to keep the right level in your body. When you body becomes dehydrated your kidneys can conserve how much water is released from your body by preventing water from leaving the body and making the urine a stronger concentration.

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10y ago

As part of the excretory system, it serves a vital part in disposing of waste that would otherwise build up and become quite toxic. Additionally, the kidneys serve to regulate certain nutrients in the body, as well as pH.

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12y ago

I only know of two major functions but I hope this helps:

-collects urine from the kidneys, brings it to the bladder, and releases it.

-Filters waste products from your urine.

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11y ago

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What is a sentence for urinary?

The urinary bladder of a person is what controls the urinary system. It is the sentence using the word urinary.

Kidneys Which organ system contains your organ?

The kidney is part of the urinary system, which consists of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra.

Is the urinary and reproductive systems sometimes considered together as the endocrine system?

No, the urinary and reproductive systems are not considered to make up the endocrine system. The urinary and reproductive systems are sometimes known as the genitourinary system or GU system.

Is the urinary system a part of the bladder?

No. It is the opposite. The bladder is part of the urinary system. Since the bladder is an organ it can't be a system. A system is made of several organs.

How does the endocrine system work with the urinary system?

The excretion is the process that remove waste from your body, And the urinary system remove cellular waste from your body

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What system comes after the urinary system?

When urine exits the urinary system, it is at the exterior of the body. There is no system "after" the urinary system.

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How do you move a person with a urinary catheter.

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The urinary system is sterile

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It do not do functions not that are to unrelated that urinary system do.

Names of the urinary system organs?

the urinary system it is the meaning is ta meaning im jusk kiddding it is the urinary system im so happy to tell na urinary system

Is the bladder in the excretory system?

NO, the urinary bladder is part of the urinary system.

Which system of the body contains the ureters?

The ureters are part of the urinary system. There are two ureters, one coming from each kidney. They attach one on each side at the top/sides of the urinary bladder. They carry urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.

What system removed metabolic wastes from the body?

Urinary System (A+)

Why salty foods are bad to urinary system?

because it will harm your urinary system

How is the urinary system involved with water?

water dilutes urine in the urinary system

What is the fluid waste of the urinary system?

Urine is the fluid waste of the urinary system.

What body systems include the kidneys and bladder?

The kidneys are part of the urinary system, responsible for filtering blood and producing urine. The bladder is also part of the urinary system, storing urine before it is excreted from the body.