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The cooirinates of latitude and longitude will pinpoint any location on earth.

To standardize international maps, in 1884 the International Meridian Conference was held in Washington, D. C. at the behest of President Chester A. Arthur and Greenwich, England was chosen.

Of the 25 countries, France's 2 delegates abstained from voting and continuted to use the Paris Observitory until 1911 before conforming to Greenwich.

The tiny Kingdom of Hawaii sent 2 delegates.

The resolution was passed 22 to 1.

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12y ago

These are such strange-sounding words that people tend to get scared and

confused when we see them. But please don't give up. Trust me ... the ideas

behind the whole thing are easy.

-- You're going to a doctor's office that you've never been to before, so you

phone up his receptionist and you ask "What's your address ?", and the

receptionist tells you "We're on the corner of 4th Avenue and 18th Street."

-- Perfect ! Now you know how to find the building. You picture a map of the

city in your mind, and you drive left or right until you come to 4th Avenue, then

you drive up or down on 4th Ave until you come to 18th St, and there it is !

Two numbers can take you to any point on the flat map. If you have to come

up off of the flat map, you'll need a third number, like "We're on the 6th floor."

-- On the Earth, latitude and longitude are the two numbers that tell you the

location of any point. They're the "address" of the point. If you picture the map

of the Earth in your mind, one number tells you where to go left or right, and

the other number tells you where to go up or down on the map. The left/right

number is called the longitude of the place, the up/down number is called the

latitude of the place. Together, they're the address of the place.

-- The Earth is not really flat. All these places are points on the surface of a sphere

(a ball). That's the main reason that the address of places on the Earth can't be

numbers of miles or kilometers. They have to be angles instead.

-- If you know the address of where you're at, you can tell it to somebody, and

they can come straight to you.

-- If you know the address of the place you want to go to, you can go straight

to it, even if you've never been there before.

-- If you know the address of where you are, and the address of where you

want to go, then with a computer, a calculator, or a pencil and some math, you

can calculate exactly what direction to head out in order to get there, and how

far away it is.

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11y ago

Latitude and longitude are major factors in navigation and location.

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putting these nuts....

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