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Elderly people tend to be more law abiding, better off financially (not always) and have a lot of experience to contribute. They also tend to have more health problems and be less tolerant of change.

Some judges are appointed for life, for example, to the US Supreme Court. The intent of a life appointment is to place the judges beyond influence. They cannot be put out of office because someone does not like their decisions. That is a good thing.

But some of them linger too long after they are starting to lose their faculties to age and illness and that is a bad thing.

The more elderly the more retired and the fewer working so the burden on those working is greater.

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3d ago

A higher percentage of elderly people in the economy can lead to increased healthcare costs, strain on pension systems, and potentially slower economic growth due to a smaller working-age population. It can also impact productivity and may necessitate policy changes to ensure the sustainability of social welfare programs.

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