The physical geography of Antarctica refers to: - climate
- relief of land
- geology
- landforms
- longitude and latitude
The human geography refers to:
- land use
- economy
- culture
- politics (international and local)
- population
Antarctica doesn't have any indigenous human population. The only people living in Antarctica are researchers and support staff from various countries who work at research stations temporarily. They live in these stations for a few months at a time, studying the continent's unique environment and ecosystem.
In geography, there are two types of features, natural features and human features. Human features are anything that is built by humans (not something formed naturally). Housing areas and parks are examples of human features.
the physical and human features of the west? hmm........ i would say the physical and human features are mountains, valleys, plateaus, canyons, and basins
your but
Natural features may be changed into human features due to urbanization and development, where land is transformed to meet human needs such as housing or infrastructure. However, converting natural features into human features can have negative impacts on the environment, leading to loss of biodiversity, disruption of ecosystems, and increased pollution. It is important to consider the balance between human development and conservation of natural features.
The five themes of geography in Antarctica are location (its coordinates on the Earth's surface), place (its unique physical and human characteristics), human-environment interaction (how humans adapt to and impact the environment), movement (how people, goods, and ideas travel to and from Antarctica), and region (how different parts of Antarctica are connected and distinct).
nothing mate
There are no permanent human residents on Antarctica.
All facilities built in all research stations are considered 'human features' on the continent.
There really are no human activities that don't affect Antarctica.
ice ..Glacier.
The major feature in Antarctica is the ice sheet that covers 98% of the continent.
India has made a lot of expeditions to Antarctica for studying its features.
There is no native human life there.
what the reason
People live there but actual people are not born in the Antarctica.
Aside from researchers working there, there is no permanent human population in Antarctica.
Humans are involved in studying the health of planet earth in Antarctica.