Bones provide structure and support to the body, protect vital organs, aid in movement by serving as attachment points for muscles, store minerals like calcium and phosphorus, and produce red and white blood cells in the bone marrow. Joints allow for movement and flexibility by connecting bones together and facilitating different types of motion. Cartilage serves as a cushion between bones at the joints, reducing friction and absorbing shock.
A motor endplate is a large special synaptic contact between motor axons and each skeletal muscle fiber. Each muscle fiber forms one endplate. Its function is to transmit impulses from nerves to muscles.
No. Is a function of the red marrow of the bone (skeletal system).
The sternum is also known as the breastbone, and it is part of the skeletal system.
The clavicle, also known as the collarbone, is part of the skeletal system. It is a long bone that acts as a bridge between the shoulder blade and the sternum, providing support and stability to the shoulder girdle.
Yes, the skeletal system is important for the respiratory system to function properly. The ribcage, which is part of the skeletal system, protects the lungs and provides structure for the respiratory muscles to attach to in order to facilitate breathing movements. Additionally, the sternum and vertebrae provide support for the thoracic cavity, where the lungs are housed.
In the lower part of the leg there is the tibia and the fibia.
What is the function of each part of the lever
Because he was in a good mood...... I think?
my answer is:muscular and skeletal or brain or heart that it function in each system that can move and realize that causes or in organ or parts of the human body will happen in the organism
no. it is the part of appendicular skeletal system...
part of the muscalar system
bones make up the skeletal system -what part do you want ?
SKULL: protect the brain
A motor endplate is a large special synaptic contact between motor axons and each skeletal muscle fiber. Each muscle fiber forms one endplate. Its function is to transmit impulses from nerves to muscles.
The parts of the skeletal system are the bones, tendons, and ligaments. The skeletal system provides framework of the body , gives shape and support to the body, helps in body movements in conjunction with the muscles, and protects internal organs. It also serves as a storage site for minerals.
No, the skeletal system does not directly regulate metabolism. Metabolism is primarily regulated by hormones such as thyroid hormones and insulin, as well as factors like diet and exercise. However, the skeletal system does have a role in storing minerals like calcium, which can impact overall metabolic health.