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london dispersion forces

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The forces that depend on temporary induced dipoles are known as London dispersion forces or van der Waals forces. These forces are caused by the fluctuations in electron distribution around an atom or molecule, leading to a temporary dipole moment that can induce dipoles in neighboring atoms or molecules.

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Q: What are the forces that depend on temporary induced dipoles known as?
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Are the attractive forces between polyethylene chains due to permanent dipoles or induced dipoles?

The attractive forces between chains are due to instantaneous induced dipoles, London dispersion forces,( not induced diipoles due to permananent dipoles). Polyethylene chains are long and the number of electrons is large- the intermolecular attraction will be significant.

Why vanderwall forces are weak forces?

Van der Waals forces are relatively weak because they arise from temporary fluctuations in electron distribution around molecules. These fluctuations lead to temporary dipoles, inducing forces of attraction between neighboring molecules. Compared to stronger forces like covalent or ionic bonds, van der Waals forces are weaker due to their temporary nature and dependence on electron movement.

The weak intermolecular forces resulting from instantaneous and induced dipoles are called?

Van der Waals forces.

What type of forces exist between I2 molecules?

The forces between I2 molecules are London dispersion forces, which are weak intermolecular forces resulting from temporary dipoles induced in the molecules. These forces occur due to the movement of electrons around the nonpolar I2 molecules, leading to transient uneven distributions of charge.

What are the main interaction between molecule of CH4?

The main interaction between CH4 molecules are London dispersion forces, which result from temporary dipoles induced in the molecules. These forces are relatively weak compared to other intermolecular forces like hydrogen bonding.

Related questions

Do London dispersion forces exist between polar molecules and result from temporary dipoles?

Yes, London dispersion forces can exist between polar molecules because all molecules, polar or nonpolar, can have temporary fluctuations in electron density that create temporary dipoles. These temporary dipoles can induce similar dipoles in nearby molecules, leading to London dispersion forces even in polar molecules.

Are the attractive forces between polyethylene chains due to permanent dipoles or induced dipoles?

The attractive forces between chains are due to instantaneous induced dipoles, London dispersion forces,( not induced diipoles due to permananent dipoles). Polyethylene chains are long and the number of electrons is large- the intermolecular attraction will be significant.

Why vanderwall forces are weak forces?

Van der Waals forces are relatively weak because they arise from temporary fluctuations in electron distribution around molecules. These fluctuations lead to temporary dipoles, inducing forces of attraction between neighboring molecules. Compared to stronger forces like covalent or ionic bonds, van der Waals forces are weaker due to their temporary nature and dependence on electron movement.

What are Van der Waala forces?

Van der Waals forces are weak, short-range attractive forces between molecules. They can arise from dipole-dipole interactions, induced dipoles, or interactions between temporary dipoles. These forces play a role in determining the physical properties of substances such as melting point, boiling point, and solubility.

The weak intermolecular forces resulting from instantaneous and induced dipoles are called?

Van der Waals forces.

What type of intermolecular force is common to xenon and methanol?

The common intermolecular force between xenon and methanol is London dispersion forces. Xenon is a noble gas with temporary fluctuations in electron distribution, while methanol has a polar OH group that can induce temporary dipoles in nearby xenon molecules, leading to weak attractive forces.

How do van derwaals forces arise?

Van der Waals forces arise due to temporary fluctuations in electron density within atoms or molecules, creating temporary dipole moments. These induced dipoles then attract each other, resulting in the weak van der Waals forces.

What type of forces exist between I2 molecules?

The forces between I2 molecules are London dispersion forces, which are weak intermolecular forces resulting from temporary dipoles induced in the molecules. These forces occur due to the movement of electrons around the nonpolar I2 molecules, leading to transient uneven distributions of charge.

What are the main interaction between molecule of CH4?

The main interaction between CH4 molecules are London dispersion forces, which result from temporary dipoles induced in the molecules. These forces are relatively weak compared to other intermolecular forces like hydrogen bonding.

Which intermolecular force is predominant in non-polar molecule?

The predominant intermolecular force in non-polar molecules is London dispersion forces, also known as Van der Waals forces. These forces are due to temporary fluctuations in electron distribution within the molecule, creating temporary dipoles that attract each other.

What is Intermolecular force of Silicon Tetrabromide?

Silicon tetrabromide exhibits van der Waals forces as its primary intermolecular force. These forces arise from temporary dipoles induced by the unequal distribution of electrons in the molecule, resulting in weak attractions between silicon tetrabromide molecules.

What types of intermolecular force is present in alkanes?

London dispersion forces are the primary intermolecular forces present in alkanes, due to their non-polar nature. These forces result from temporary dipoles formed by the movement of electrons in the molecules. The strength of these forces generally increases with the size of the alkane molecule.