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3w ago

2 pairs: linear 3 pairs: trigonal planar 5 pairs: trigonal bipyramidal 6 pairs: octahedral

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Q: What are the favored geometrical arrangements for ABn molecules for which A atom has 2 3 5 and 6 pairs of electrons in its valence she?
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What is the plural of favored?

The word favored is the past participle of the verb to favor and an adjective.The forms for the verb are favor, favors, favoring, and favored.The forms for the adjective are favored, more favored, and most favored.

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In terms of intermolecular forces, polar molecules tend to have stronger attractions compared to non-polar molecules due to the presence of dipole-dipole interactions. However, the overall strength of a molecule is determined by various factors such as molecular weight, shape, and polarity, so it is not accurate to generalize all polar molecules as stronger than non-polar molecules.

Sentence with favored?

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What was favored by Nehru but not favored by Gandhi?

Heavy industrialisation

Are the products favored over the reactants or the reactants favored over the products?

The products are favored over the reactants if the reaction is exothermic, releasing energy. Conversely, the reactants are favored over the products if the reaction is endothermic, requiring energy input.

Hebrew images of the word favored?

favored &times;&#382;&times;&bull;&times;&cent;&times;&ldquo;&times;&pound;=chosen &times;&nbsp;&times;&lsquo;&times;&mdash;&times;&uml;=

When was Favored Nations created?

Favored Nations was created in 1999.