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i would say TNC's (transnational corporations) and the difference between poor and rich

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9mo ago

Factors that aid globalization include advancements in technology (such as the internet and transportation), liberalization of trade policies, increased connectivity between countries, and the rise of multinational corporations. These factors help facilitate the flow of goods, services, information, and people across borders, contributing to the interconnectedness of the global economy.

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communication technology

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Money and politics...

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Q: What are the factors that aid globalization?
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What are some factors that might aid or slow diffusion?

Factors that can aid diffusion include high temperature, smaller molecular size, steep concentration gradients, and a larger surface area for exchange. Factors that can slow diffusion include low temperature, larger molecular size, long diffusion distances, and obstacles in the medium through which diffusion is occurring.

What are some factors that affect today's workplace?

Some factors that affect today's workplace include technology advancements, changing employee expectations, globalization, diversity and inclusion initiatives, remote work opportunities, and the impact of current events such as pandemics or economic recessions.

Where is globalization now?

Globalization is currently at a point where advancements in technology and transportation have made it easier for countries to connect and trade on a global scale. However, there is also increasing discussion and debate around issues such as income inequality, environmental impact, and national sovereignty as a result of globalization.

What is A consequence of globalization is political boundaries?

Globalization results in the loss of cultural uniqueness of individual cultures in lieu of the formation of a blended culture that is a result of the various component cultures. Globalization takes focus off of the individual culture and places it on the collective culture.

How has globalization affected the study of geography?

the effect of globalization on information technology could be thatthe more people in the world the more knowledge there is to be shared with computers. as the human race develops there is alway a chance of someone being born who will know more.

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Various factors can affect the globalization of a business. For example, cultural factors may affect how viable a product is in a certain location.

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There are many factors that drive globalization. The major drivers of globalization include: market, cost, environment, and competition.

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Forces of Globalization?

A number of factors have caused globalization. These include more efficient transportation, technology, global companies, as well as global trading.

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There are six key factors to Globalization: International Division of Labor, Internationalization of Finance, New Technology Systems, Transnational Economic Integration, Transnational Corporations, and Homogenization of International Common Markets.

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globalization of cultures and economics

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By making different parts of the world more interconnected

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some could be globalization etc :) i hate school!!

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globalization,technology,E-Business and SWOT

Two factors that make it difficult for people to retain a sense of nationalism are?

globalization & Immigration

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good voice