

Best Answer

Sea salt is generally made of sodium chloride which contains sodium and chlorine.

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Q: What are the elements in a sea salt compound?
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Is element salt?

Table salt (including sea salt) is sodium chloride, a compound, not an element. Sodium chloride is represented by NaCl, and contains two elements, Sodium (Na) and Chlorine (Cl).

Do compound have properties unlike those of their elements?

yes. an example is salt. salt is an edible compound that is made of poisonus elements.

Is salt a compound or elements or mixture?

yes is a mixure with compound

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Why is table salt a compounds table salt a compound?

A compound is a substance consisting of two or more elements. Table salt, NaCl, includes the elements of Sodium (Na) and Chlorine (Cl). Therefore, it consists of two elements, making it a compound.

Salt is an element?

It is a compound made from the elements of sodium and chlorine.Salt is not an element.The formula unit of sodium chloride is NaCl, an ionic salt.

Is sea salt a compound?


What mimerals are in salt?

There are no minerals in salt . . . salt is a compound of the elements Sodium and Chlorine.

Is salt water a mixture or elements or compound?

yes is a mixure with compound

Is salt water a compound or elements or mixture?

yes is a mixure with compound

Is salt water compound or mixture or elements?

yes is a mixure with compound

Is salt an element a compound a solution or heterogeneous mixture?

salt or NaCl is a compound that contains two elements