These are a group of genetic malfunctions collectively referred to as Storage Diseases. Each individual malfunction is relatively rare.
Diseases of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) can include conditions like familial hypercholesterolemia, fatty liver disease, and drug-induced liver injury. These diseases are often associated with disruptions in lipid metabolism and drug detoxification processes within the smooth ER.
The difference between ruff ER and smooth ER is ruff ER contains attached ribosomes giving it the rough appearance, where as smooth ER does not.
The rough ER had ribosomes attached while the smooth ER had no ribosome attached.
The main difference is in their appearance: rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) has ribosomes attached to its surface, giving it a rough texture, while smooth ER lacks ribosomes and appears smooth. Functionally, rough ER is involved in protein synthesis and membrane protein production, while smooth ER plays a role in lipid metabolism and detoxification processes.
Ribosomes are found on the rough ER, which are responsible for protein synthesis. Smooth ER does not have ribosomes.
Yes, both animal and plant cells have both types of endoplasmic reticulum (ER.) The only difference between rough ER and smooth ER is that rough ER is covered in ribosomes, smooth ER isn't. Hth
Yes, they do have smooth ER.
Rough ER has numerous ribosomes on its surface. These are absent on smooth ER. Smooth ER studded with ribosomes. Rough ER transport of materials.
The difference between ruff ER and smooth ER is ruff ER contains attached ribosomes giving it the rough appearance, where as smooth ER does not.
The difference between ruff ER and smooth ER is ruff ER contains attached ribosomes giving it the rough appearance, where as smooth ER does not.
The difference between ruff ER and smooth ER is ruff ER contains attached ribosomes giving it the rough appearance, where as smooth ER does not.
They are made in ER. Smooth ER involve in that
Rough ER looks like a maze and smooth ER looks like a sculpture. Another thing is that the Rough ER has ribosomes on it while the Smooth ER doesnt.
Ribosomes are found in rough ER while they are not found in smooth ER. These are what give the "rough" appearance.
what structure is found on the rough er that is noyt found on the smooth er
The smooth ER makes lipids.
Smooth ER produces steroids and lipids. Smooth ER does not require ribosomes. The enzymes help break down drugs and toxins.
The rough ER had ribosomes attached while the smooth ER had no ribosome attached.