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There are many different cell types in the kidney. Like in other organs, cells of the kidney can be divided into cells that make up the functional part of the kidney (called the parenchyma) and cells that make up the connective tissue and supporting structure of the kidney (the stroma). In studying an organ's cells, most focus on the parenchymal cells, because it is those cells that are typically unique to a given organ. This is true for the kidney.

Parenchymal cells of the kidney are those that make up the millions of functional units of the kidney, called nephrons. A nephron is a tubular structure divided into several segments. Depending on the source, the names of the segments vary; one useful way of dividing the nephron is into the following segments: proximal tubule, loop of Henle, distal tubule, and collecting duct.

Each nephron segment has several unique cells. The major cell of the proximal has no particular name, but is responsible for heavy-duty reabsorption of solutes and water from the fluid that's filtered from the blood.

The major cell of the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle is a cell that contains a special transporter called the sodium-potassium-2 chloride cotransporter (NKCC). The action of these NKCC-containing cells allows the kidney to produce concentrated urine when an individual has gone without water for a while. These same cells are also targeted by a class of drugs (called loop diuretics) that treats high blood pressure. A very similar cell occurs later in the nephron; this cell uses the same NKCC protein to sense low volume states, such as when an individual has lost a large volume of blood.

The major cell of the distal tubule is a cell that contains the so-called thiazide-sensitive sodium chloride cotransporter (TSC). This cell is responsible for reabsorbing about 5% of the sodium filtered by the kidney each day. It is targeted by another type of drug (called thiazides) that treats high blood pressure.

The collecting duct contains two cell types, called principal cells and intercalated cells. Principal cells are predominantly responsible for sodium reabsorption and potassium secretion in the kidney. This process is stimulated in the principal cells by the action of the hormone aldosterone.

There are two types of intercalated cell in the collecting duct, but both are responsible for acid-base homeostasis. The alpha intercalated cell is responsible for secreting excess acid and reabsorbing base (in the form of bicarbonate). The beta intercalated cell is responsible for secreting excess base (bicarbonate) and reabsorbing acid.

The kidney has many other cell types besides these, but these are the most commonly referenced cells in discussions of kidney physiology.

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1mo ago

The main types of cells in the kidney include podocytes, which help filter blood in the glomerulus; tubular cells, which reabsorb and secrete substances in the tubules; interstitial cells, which provide support and structure; and collecting duct cells, which help regulate water balance. Each type of cell plays a specific role in maintaining kidney function.

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Q: What are the different types of cells in the kidney?
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Cells. Different types of cells have different names. What type of cells are you talking about? Different parts of a body have different types of cells.

Is the kidney composed of body cells?

Yes, the kidney is composed of body cells. In fact, all of our organs and internal parts are composed of different body cells.

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jail cells and prison cells

What types of cells are we made out of?

Humans are made from tissue of different types in different parts of the body. Each type of tissue is made from different cells.

How many different types of cells does your body have?

It has about 200 cells. I'm 11

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Yes, the kidney is composed of body cells. In fact, all of our organs and internal parts are composed of different body cells.

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The kidney has many different cellular structures. The kidney's blood supply is formed by endothelial cells, myoepithelial cells, pericytes, and smooth muscle cells. There is also connective tissue within the kidney so you will find fibroblasts. Within the hilum of the kidney you can find adipose tissue so therefore you will find adipoctes. Then you have the kidney parenchyma. Within the glomerulus you will find bowman's capsule epithelial cells, mesangial cells, and podocytes. Right outside the glomerulus there are juxtaglomerular cells adjacent to the macula densa cells within the distal convoluted tubule of the kidney.(These cells function as sensors and control kidney activity) You will also find renal tubular cells which change from the proximal convoluted tubule, descending limb of the loop of henle, ascending thin limb of the loop of henle, thick ascending limb, distal convoluted tubule and then into the medullary collecting ducts. In these ducts you have two types of cells principal cells and intercalated cells. Then as you follow the formation of urine into the minor calyx of the kidney you begin to see transitional epithelial cells. In terms of embryonic origin the ureteric bud(derived from endoderm) gives rise to the cells from the bladder up to the collecting duct system of the kidney. The rest of the kidney comes from the metanephros(a mesodermic derivative).

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