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When healthy, the vermiform appendix, which we just call the appendix, is found in the lower right quadrant of the torso, at the juncture of the small and large intestines. While it's base remains fairly stable, it's tip can vary from being retrocecal (behind the cecum) to being in the pelvis to being extraperitoneal.

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The appendix contains masses of lymphoid tissue, and as part of MALT, it plays an important role in body immunity.

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It is attached to the cecum at the junction of the small intestines.

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Q: What are the different positions where the veriform appendix may be found?
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What are facts about the appendix?

Veriform appendix"veriform" is a Latin word meaning "worm-shaped"The exact position of the appendix can vary. Most often it is found behind the caecum (retrocaecal 64% of cases), and least often found behind the ileum (postileal 0.5% of cases)The appendix plays a role in manufacturing hormones in foetal development as well as exposing the body the antigen to force it to produce antibodies, thus "training" the immune systemAppendectomies are the most common surgical emergencies of the abdomen in the world

Is appendix a part of small intestine?

No, the appendix can be found off the large intestine.

What are the different positions where the appendix can be found?

The appendix can usually be found in one the following six positions:Extending superiorly towards the right colic flexure posterior to the cecum (retrocecal position) or lower ascending colon (retrocolic position);Extending inferiorly towards or across the pelvic brim (pelvic position);Extending inferiorly below the cecum (subcecalposition);Extending superiorly, anterior to the terminal ileum (pre-ileal position) or posterior to the terminal ileum (postileal position).

Can an appendix be found on the left?

No, the appendix is typically found in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen. If a person experiences left-sided abdominal pain, it is unlikely to be related to the appendix.

What are some sentences using the word appendix?

"The appendix can be found in the back of the book," the teacher said to her students.OR:"I needed emergency surgery; my appendix was ready to burst."

What is as no function in humans in the digestive system?

The appendix, found at the junction of the small and large intestines, has no known function in digestion. The appendix may also be called the vermiform appendix.

Which is the organ found in humans only and not in animals?

An appendix

Does the appendix work with any other organs?

Well, sort of. Researchers have found that the appendix maintains a supply of the "good" bacteria found in the intestines that help digest food. Sometimes those bacteria can be destroyed by illness, but can be replaced by those growing in the appendix.

What do they remove in an appendectomy?

The appendix is removed. The appendix is a vestigial organ found in the cecum. If it gets inflamed, it is removed and the surgery is called appendectomy.

What are the purposes of appendices?

There are two types of appendices. One is the appendix found in a human body and the other is the appendix found at the end of a book. The appendix in the human body is widely accepted as a seemingly useless organ. Scientists have yet to find an explicit purpose for the appendix. Today most scientists believe it produces and stores bacteria that is useful to your body. The appendix found at the end of a document often serves as an addition to the text. This addition has information that is relevant to the text but not focused on the topic of the text.

Name two organs found in the right lower quadrant?

cecum, appendix, part of the small intestines, the right reproductive organs, and the right ureter.

Is Stuart Scott sick with cancer?

If cancer is found in the appendix, it is usually a tumor called "carcinoid". Carcinoid can (uncommonly) spread beyond the appendix, often to the liver. Stuart Scott had a tumor found in his appendix 3 years ago, so most likely this is carcinoid.