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A hypothesis or a theory is a question or problem posed and is answered or attempted to be answered by a scientific method of experimentation. A theory is a tested and accepted principle or proposition i.e. quantum theory, Occam's Razor, Newton's law of gravity. A law is a theory that withstands the test of time.

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15y ago

Laws exist in nature and can be discovered.

Theories are attempts to explain something (such as the behavior of something in a specific situation)

Hypotheses are suggestions which hopefully can be tested and if proved correct could become theory.

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14y ago

A belief is an act of faith. E.g. I believe in God. or I believe that Santa will deliver. Scientists do not consider beliefs as having anything to do with Science. There are many scientists who have personal beliefs, but they are outside the realm of science.

A hypothesis is a proposal intended to explain certain facts or observation. I.e. its your explanation on why something will happen. E.g. My drink gets cold when I dip it in ice water. My hypothesis is that the can is warmer than the ice and when I put it in the ice, the heat of the can actually warms the ice, and in the process it becomes colder.

A scientific law or scientific principle is a concise verbal or mathematical statement of a relation that expresses a fundamental principle of science, like Newton's law of universal gravitation. A scientific law must always apply under the same conditions, and implies a causal relationship between its elements. The law must be confirmed and broadly agreed upon through the process of inductive reasoning.

In the sciences, a scientific theory comprises a collection of concepts, including abstractions of observable phenomena expressed as quantifiable properties, together with rules (called scientific laws) that express relationships between observations of such concepts

In the sciences the definition of Theory is very different than in ordinary usage, where a theory is a proposal to explain something. This is more accurately a hypothesis, but we call it theory.

A law differs from a scientific theory in that it does not posit a mechanism or explanation of phenomena. In science a Theory is actually a very well thought out and researched set of concepts. For something to be called a Scientific Theory it must have stood the test of time. One of the most famous and controversial theories is the Theory of Evolution.

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12y ago

scientific hypothyses are educated guesses on something.

scientific theories are hypothesis that cant be tested.

scientic laws are hypotheis that have been tested and proven to be 100% true.

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8y ago

An hypothesis is an idea which is put forward to try to explain our observations. We usually test the hypothesis with an experiment. A theory is a set of ideas which is successful at explaining those observations and is, ideally, supported by experiment. The line between a well accepted theory and a Law is mutable, but the term law is usually reserved for a specific, usually mathematical, relationship. For instance, Boyle's Law (about gases) is stated as PV is a constant. We use the kinetic theory to explain it.

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8y ago

A hypothesis is an educated guess about how things work.
In science, a hypothesis is an idea or explanation and then you then test by study and experimentation.
A law is a system of rules that are enforced through institutions to govern behavior. If you go over the speed limit, you have broken the law.
The word law in science is the description of an what is seen. It doesn't explain why the phenomenon exists or what causes it. The law of gravity is an example of a law in science. For a very long time no one understood what made it happen.
Most people use the word 'theory' to mean an idea or hunch that someone has.
But in science the word 'theory' works this way:
1. Start with an idea (hypothesis)
2. Do some experiments
3. Do the experiments is support the idea? No? then a bad idea
4. Yes! then theory is created
5. Get more information to better understand
6. Discover even more information
7. Modify theory
8. Does modification explain the idea? No? End of theory.
9. Yes? Explain the new evidence?
10. Improve the theory.

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Laws are confirmed, validated hypotheses and theories.

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From a scientific hypothesis a scientific theory can be developped after experiments; this theory can contain scientific laws.

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What is the difference between scientific and unscientific?

Scientific knowledge is based on evidence, experimentation, and systematic observation, following the scientific method to test hypotheses and theories. Unscientific knowledge lacks empirical evidence, is often based on personal beliefs or anecdotal evidence, and does not adhere to rigorous scientific standards.

What is the difference between laws and theories?

Laws describe observed phenomena and relationships in nature, while theories explain why those phenomena occur based on tested hypotheses and evidence. Laws are more descriptive and specific, while theories are broader and provide a framework for understanding natural phenomena.

Which of these steps of the scientific method involves stating a relationship but not proposing an explanation for the relationship A. observation B. scientific law C. theory D. hypothesis?

B. Scientific law. Scientific laws describe a relationship between variables based on consistent patterns observed in experiments or observations, without providing an explanation for why this relationship exists. Hypotheses and theories, on the other hand, propose explanations for observed phenomena.

Distinguish between hypotheses that explain biodiversity and those that explain the origin of life?

Hypotheses that explain biodiversity focus on the variety of species and ecosystems that exist today, often exploring factors like evolutionary processes and environmental influences. Hypotheses that explain the origin of life are concerned with how life first emerged on Earth, including theories like abiogenesis and panspermia. Essentially, biodiversity hypotheses address the diversity of life forms, while origin of life hypotheses address the initial emergence of life itself.

One of the basic differences between science and a pseudoscience is the lack of?

Empirical evidence and the adherence to the scientific method are key differences between science and pseudoscience. Science relies on testable hypotheses, reproducible results, and peer review to establish knowledge, while pseudoscience often lacks empirical support and relies on anecdotal evidence or unverified claims.

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Inductive approach involves generating theories based on observations and patterns identified in the data, while deductive approach tests existing theories against empirical evidence. Inductive reasoning moves from specific observations to broader generalizations, whereas deductive reasoning moves from general principles to specific predictions. Both approaches are used in scientific research to build knowledge and test hypotheses.

How do you distinguish between scientific and nonscientific hypotheses?

Scientific hypothesis can be understand by scientific approach (using scientific methods & formulae etc) Nonscientific hypothesis is based on assumptions only.

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What is the difference scientific theories between scientific laws?

A scientific theory become a law when it is widely recognized and accepted by the scientific community in the epoch.

What are the difference between scientific theories and scientific laws?

law is based on fact theory is a concept/idea

Why are hypotheses important in psychology?

Hypotheses help to guide and focus research efforts, providing clear predictions to test and refine theories in psychology. They also facilitate the systematic investigation of theories and contribute to the development of knowledge in the field. By testing hypotheses, psychologists can draw conclusions about the relationships between variables and make informed decisions about interventions or treatments.

What is the main similarity between scientific theories and scientific laws?

The main similarity between scientific theories and scientific laws is that both are supported by extensive evidence and are used to explain natural phenomena. However, theories are broader explanations that can be modified or refined based on new evidence, while laws are specific statements that describe a consistent pattern observed in nature.

Is scientific method is the key to all discoveries and advances in science?

Science is something people do, as contrasted with scientific discoveries, scientific theories and scientific applications, which are science's products. There are recognized elements in scientific inquiry. These include formulating questions, posing hypotheses, collecting data, analyzing data, developing theories and then testing those theories against emerging data. Scientific method involves an interplay between data and the conclusions to be drawn from those data. However, not just any interplay qualifies as science. The analysis must be reasoned, rigorous and empirically sound. The core and defining characteristic is the method by which this is done.

What is the difference between scientific and unscientific?

Scientific knowledge is based on evidence, experimentation, and systematic observation, following the scientific method to test hypotheses and theories. Unscientific knowledge lacks empirical evidence, is often based on personal beliefs or anecdotal evidence, and does not adhere to rigorous scientific standards.