Homogenous marriage are of the same tribal group while hetergeneous marrage is of difference cultural back ground.
Homogeneous marriage refers to a union between two individuals who share the same characteristics, such as race, religion, or nationality. Heterogeneous marriage, on the other hand, involves partners who have differing characteristics or backgrounds. Both types of marriage can face unique challenges related to cultural differences and societal norms.
Homo means same, hetero means different. So, homogeneous is same materials, heterogeneous is different materials.
Non-homogeneous materials have two or more phases.
In a homogeneous mixture the components are evenly dispersed so that only the individual atoms, molecules, and ions remain intact. A homogeneous mixture is distinguishable from a pure substance only on the molecular level. In a homogeneous mixture the components are still somewhat separated into distinct phases in which at least one component is more prevalent. For example in mud, the soil particles are still distinct from the water.
"Homogeneous" refers to something that is uniform or consistent in nature, while "homogeneous" means that all components of a mixture are evenly distributed. Both terms describe uniformity but in different contexts - one in terms of property, the other in terms of composition.
A solute is a substance that is dissolved in a solvent to form a solution. The solvent is the substance that dissolves the solute, while the solution is the homogeneous mixture formed by the solvent and solute.
A homogeneous mixture contains the same proportions of its ingredients throughout the mixture. A heterogeneous mixture does not.
Hopefully not. Marriage is between 2 people who love each other despite their differences.
in homogeneous data structure all the elements of same data types known as homogeneous data structure. example:- array while there can b any type of data in non homogeneous data structure. example:- list
There are several differences/similarities between marriage and dating that can be seen in the display of affection, personal space and money.
Type your answer here... A marriage which fulfills all the condition laid down in Islamic law is called valid marriage. A marriage which can't be legalized in any circumstancees is called void marriage.
Homo means same, hetero means different. So, homogeneous is same materials, heterogeneous is different materials.
Non-homogeneous materials have two or more phases.
homogeneous = same and the heterogeneous = different
Unusual, but not unheard of. Some marriages with great age differences have been successful.
Some traditional views state that sex should come only after marriage, no exceptions. Having sex before marriage was considered dishonorable. More modern views state that "safe sex" is okay before marriage.
Marriage is a type of relationship. However, "relationship" often refers to an informal romantic relationship between unmarried persons. In this sense the difference would be that one is licensed and registered with the state, the other is not. Marriage has statutory rights and responsibilities associated with it; an informal relationship does not.
In states that have legalized same-sex marriage, there is no legal difference between the two. In states that have banned same-sex marriage, the difference is that heterosexual couples are permitted their civil rights.