There are many different types of corals in the ocean. They each have their own sets of unlimited adaptations some slowly move themselves to or from the light, some shock neighbor, some live together peacefully, and some attach themselves.
Coral have evolved adaptations such as symbiotic relationships with algae for energy, calcium carbonate skeletons for structure, and tentacles with stinging cells for defense and feeding. They also reproduce through spawning events, where they release eggs and sperm simultaneously for fertilization.
Coral has behavioral adaptations such as retracting its polyps into its skeleton when threatened by predators or harsh environmental conditions. Coral also exhibits a symbiotic relationship with algae, allowing it to obtain energy through photosynthesis. Additionally, some coral species release gametes into the water at specific times for reproduction.
they effecting the coral they effecting the coral
A person who studies coral is called a marine biologist or a coral biologist. They specialize in researching and understanding coral reefs, their ecosystems, and the various organisms that depend on them.
Coral is not a carnivore. Coral is a marine invertebrate that obtains most of its nutrition from a symbiotic relationship with photosynthetic algae called zooxanthellae, which live inside the coral's tissues and provide energy through photosynthesis.
what are the adaptations of a chi weenie
the adaptations in the coral reef are to ajust to the water and sharks!!!
they r awesome
It had to start photosynthesis.
bright colours to blend in with coral
bright colours to blend in with coral
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It depends what type of coral! there is one adaptation that all coral has and that is it grows towards where there is the most sunlight.
Coral has behavioral adaptations such as retracting its polyps into its skeleton when threatened by predators or harsh environmental conditions. Coral also exhibits a symbiotic relationship with algae, allowing it to obtain energy through photosynthesis. Additionally, some coral species release gametes into the water at specific times for reproduction.
They stick themselves to hard subtances and stay there for the rest of there life.
They stick themselves to hard subtances and stay there for the rest of there life.
1. poison 2. armor 3.they mate/sex *cough*