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Neil bohr has done research in quantum mechanics.

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Q: What are the contribution of Niels Bohr in the development of science and technology in atomic theory?
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What was benjamen franklin's contribution to the atomic theory?

Benjamin Franklin's contribution to the atomic theory was his proposal that electricity was a fundamental force that could be understood through atomic models. He conducted experiments with electricity and proposed the idea of positive and negative charges, which later contributed to the development of the atomic theory.

What was the contribution of H. Moseley in the development of atomic theory?

He determined the number of positive charges in the nucleus of an atom. He was the first one to bring the concept of atomic number.

What are the contributions of science and technology to world war 2?

Science and technology played a significant role in World War II through advancements such as radar technology, improved communications systems, the development of the atomic bomb, and innovations in medicine and logistics. These contributions had a profound impact on the outcome of the war and influenced military strategies and tactics.

3 kind of technology in science?

Three types of technology in science include biotechnology, information technology, and nanotechnology. Biotechnology involves using biological systems to develop products and processes. Information technology involves the use of computers and software to manage and process data. Nanotechnology involves manipulating materials at the atomic and molecular scale to create new materials and devices.

Why is lise meitners contribution significant?

Lise Meitner's significant contribution to science was in the discovery of nuclear fission along with Otto Hahn. This discovery led to the development of nuclear energy and atomic bombs. Despite not receiving recognition at the time, her work was critical in advancing our understanding of nuclear physics.

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What was Dalton's major contribution to science?

Atomic Theory

What was albert einstein's contribution to science?

Creation of the atomic bomb

Does science and technology make up atomic energy?

An atom contains protons, neutrons and electrons . By means of these atomic particles we can produce enormous amount of energy. It is possible only because of science & technology. So science & technology can make up atomic energy.

What was Lavoisier's contributions to the development of the modern atomic theory?

Antoine Lavoisier was a French nobleman and chemist. His contribution to the development of the modern atomic theory was his idea of the possibility of an Atomic Mass.

What is the contribution of thales of miletus in the development of atomic theory?

The contribution of anyone prior to about 1600 to the development of atomic theory might as well be "nothing whatsoever." Democritus and/or Leucippus contributed the name "atomos", but not much else; they were wrong about nearly every detail. John Dalton is just about the earliest scientist to have had any significant contribution to atomic theory, and most of what we now consider atomic theory was developed since about 1900.

What was Dmitry Mendeleev contribution to science?

Dmitri Mendeleev's main contribution to science was his development of the periodic table of elements. In 1869, Mendeleev organized the elements based on their atomic mass and properties, creating a system that predicted the existence and properties of elements that had not yet been discovered. His work laid the foundation for our modern understanding of chemistry.

What was the contribution of H. Moseley in the development of atomic theory?

He determined the number of positive charges in the nucleus of an atom. He was the first one to bring the concept of atomic number.

What contribution did Mosley makers the development of the periodic table?

Henry Moseley showed elements in the periodic table should be in order by their atomic number instead of atomic mass.

What situation when science and technology have affected a person's life?

The Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings for a start.

What is the contribution of James Chadwick to chemistry?

James Chadwick's most significant contribution to chemistry was the discovery of the neutron in 1932. This discovery revolutionized the understanding of atomic structure and led to a deeper understanding of nuclear reactions and the development of nuclear technology. Chadwick's work earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1935.

How can be science and technology be harmful?

they can be very harmful , some people use science for explosion of atomic bomb which causes a great number of casualty!

What are the other contribution of Joseph Proust aside in atomic theory development?

big balls that clack together make a good noice