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what are the centromeres spit and the chromatids separate

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4mo ago

During anaphase in mitosis or meiosis II, the centromeres split, allowing each sister chromatid to be pulled to opposite ends of the dividing cell by the spindle fibers. This leads to the separation of the chromatids into individual chromosomes, ensuring that each daughter cell receives a complete set of genetic material.

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11y ago

During mitosis and meiosis.

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Q: What are the centromeres slip and the chromatids separate?
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The two coiled up strands of DNA within a chromosome are called?

The two coiled up strands of DNA within a chromosome are called chromatids. During cell division, chromatids separate and are distributed to daughter cells.

What structures hold the sister chromatids together?

Sister chromatids are held together by a protein complex called cohesin, which forms a ring-like structure around the two chromatids. Cohesin binds to specific DNA sequences on the chromatids and helps in ensuring that they are properly aligned and segregated during cell division.

Copies of chromosomes liked together at their centromeres at the beginning of meiosis are called what kid of chromatid?

At the beginning of meiosis, copies of chromosomes linked together at their centromeres are called sister chromatids. These sister chromatids are duplicated copies of a single chromosome and are held together by proteins called cohesins.

What holds 2 chromatids together?

The centromere is the part of a chromosome that links the sister chromatids together. There are two types of centromeres. Regional centromeres have DNA sequences that contribute to, but do not define function. Point centromeres are smaller and more compact, but the DNA sequences are necessary and sufficient to specify the centromere's identity and function.

Which specific structure must separate during anaphase in order for sister chromatids to begin moving toward opposite poles?

During anaphase, the centromere must separate for sister chromatids to start moving towards opposite poles. This separation allows each chromatid to be pulled to the poles by the spindle fibers attached to the centromere.

Related questions

Which phase of mitosis do the sister chromatids separate at their centromeres?


During what phase do the centromeres of sister chromatids disjoin and the chromatids separate?

During the anaphase stage of mitosis, the centromeres of sister chromatids disjoin and the chromatids are pulled apart to opposite ends of the cell by the spindle fibers.

When do the centromeres split and form the chromatids?

Centromeres split during cell division in the mitotic phase called anaphase. As the sister chromatids are pulled apart towards opposite poles of the cell, the centromeres divide, forming individual chromatids that will become separate chromosomes in the daughter cells.

Where are chromatids attached?


During prophase what structures are held together by the centromeres?

The sister chromatids are held together by the centromeres. Each chromosome is made up of two sister chromatids.

What is anaphase 2?

The centromeres of each chromosome finally separate, and the sister chromatids come apart. The sister chromatids of each chromosome now move as two individual chromosomes toward opposite poles.

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The two coiled up strands of DNA within a chromosome are called?

The two coiled up strands of DNA within a chromosome are called chromatids. During cell division, chromatids separate and are distributed to daughter cells.

What is the role of the spindle fibers during mitosis?

They pull the sister chromatids apart.

What structures hold the sister chromatids together?

Sister chromatids are held together by a protein complex called cohesin, which forms a ring-like structure around the two chromatids. Cohesin binds to specific DNA sequences on the chromatids and helps in ensuring that they are properly aligned and segregated during cell division.

Copies of chromosomes liked together at their centromeres at the beginning of meiosis are called what kid of chromatid?

At the beginning of meiosis, copies of chromosomes linked together at their centromeres are called sister chromatids. These sister chromatids are duplicated copies of a single chromosome and are held together by proteins called cohesins.

What happens to sister chromatids in meiosis?

During meiosis, sister chromatids separate during anaphase II, resulting in four haploid daughter cells with different genetic material. This process ensures genetic variation in the offspring.