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What we call gametes (egg or sperm cells) have half the number of chromosomes.

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1mo ago

Gametes are cells used for reproduction that contain half the usual number of chromosomes. In humans, gametes are sperm cells in males and egg cells in females. During fertilization, a sperm cell and an egg cell combine to form a zygote with the full complement of chromosomes.

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sperm and eggs cells

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Q: What are the cells that are used for reproduction and that contain half the usual number of chromosomes?
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What do Reproductive cells contain half the number of?

Reproductive cells, also known as gametes, contain half the number of chromosomes compared to other cells in the body. This is because during sexual reproduction, gametes from two parents combine to form a new individual with a complete set of chromosomes. In humans, for example, gametes contain 23 chromosomes each, while most other cells in the body have 46 chromosomes.

Is the presence of large number of chromosomes in an organism a hindrance to sexual reproduction?

No. Sexual reproduction process does not depend upon the number of chromosomes in an organism. Chromosome numbers usually are expressed in sets. 2 sets of chromosomes are present in body cells of organisms. For example, human bears 23 pairs which means 46 numbers of chromosomes. The cells with 2 sets of chromosomes are called diploid cells (2n) and haploid cells contain only one set (n) of chromosomes. Gamete cells are always haploid which are obtained by meiosis cell division of diploid cells. In sexual reproduction fusion of two haploid gametes (male and female) results in formation of zygote which id diploid.So, the number of chromosomes present ina cell whether it is small (cat - 38 chromosomes) or large (butterfly- 380 chromosomes) does not affect sexual reproduction.

What type of cells are halpoid?

Haploid cells are cells that contain a single set of chromosomes, which is half the number of chromosomes found in diploid cells. These cells are typically gametes (sperm and egg cells) in animals and spores in plants. The halpoid state is important for sexual reproduction to maintain the correct number of chromosomes in the offspring.

What type of cell is a result of meiosis?

The result of meiosis is haploid cells, which contain half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. These cells are used in sexual reproduction to combine with another haploid cell and form a new organism with a complete set of chromosomes.

What is the ploidy of the cells of the tetrad of the pollen plant?

The cells of the tetrad in a pollen plant are haploid, meaning they contain a single set of chromosomes. This haploid condition is important for sexual reproduction, as it ensures the resulting gametes have the correct number of chromosomes when they combine during fertilization.

Related questions

What do Reproductive cells contain half the number of?

Reproductive cells, also known as gametes, contain half the number of chromosomes compared to other cells in the body. This is because during sexual reproduction, gametes from two parents combine to form a new individual with a complete set of chromosomes. In humans, for example, gametes contain 23 chromosomes each, while most other cells in the body have 46 chromosomes.

What cell types contains the least number of chromosomes?

Sex cells contain half the number of chromosomes that body cells contain.

Is the presence of large number of chromosomes in an organism a hindrance to sexual reproduction?

No. Sexual reproduction process does not depend upon the number of chromosomes in an organism. Chromosome numbers usually are expressed in sets. 2 sets of chromosomes are present in body cells of organisms. For example, human bears 23 pairs which means 46 numbers of chromosomes. The cells with 2 sets of chromosomes are called diploid cells (2n) and haploid cells contain only one set (n) of chromosomes. Gamete cells are always haploid which are obtained by meiosis cell division of diploid cells. In sexual reproduction fusion of two haploid gametes (male and female) results in formation of zygote which id diploid.So, the number of chromosomes present ina cell whether it is small (cat - 38 chromosomes) or large (butterfly- 380 chromosomes) does not affect sexual reproduction.

What type of cells are halpoid?

Haploid cells are cells that contain a single set of chromosomes, which is half the number of chromosomes found in diploid cells. These cells are typically gametes (sperm and egg cells) in animals and spores in plants. The halpoid state is important for sexual reproduction to maintain the correct number of chromosomes in the offspring.

Why meiosis produce cells with fewer chromosomes?

Sexual reproduction joins two cells that each have half the total chromosome number.

What type of cell is a result of meiosis?

The result of meiosis is haploid cells, which contain half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. These cells are used in sexual reproduction to combine with another haploid cell and form a new organism with a complete set of chromosomes.

Where in a cell are chromosome located?

In plant and animal cells, chromosomes are located inside the nucleus. The chromosomes contain genetic information needed for growth and reproduction.

What is the ploidy of the cells of the tetrad of the pollen plant?

The cells of the tetrad in a pollen plant are haploid, meaning they contain a single set of chromosomes. This haploid condition is important for sexual reproduction, as it ensures the resulting gametes have the correct number of chromosomes when they combine during fertilization.

Do chromosomes only occur in egg and sperm cells?

No, chromosomes are present in almost all cells of an organism. However, they are most readily observed in egg and sperm cells during sexual reproduction because they contain a single set of chromosomes.

Do Body cells only have half the total number of chromosomes?

All body cells contain a total number of 46 chromosomes except sex cells (the egg and the sperm) which have half the number of chromosomes (23) no.... body cells or somatic cells have 46 chromosomes which is the diploid chromosome number of homo sapiens... gametes or sex cells have 23 chromosomes which is the haploid chromosome number...

What is the number of chromosomes that the gametophytes of angiosperms have cells with nuclei have?

Gametophytes of angiosperms have cells with nuclei that typically contain a haploid number of chromosomes, which is half the number found in somatic cells. This means that gametophyte cells usually have one set of chromosomes.

Are any of your body cells haploid?

Yes, gametes (sperm and egg cells) are haploid, meaning they contain only one set of chromosomes. This is necessary for sexual reproduction to ensure that when two gametes combine during fertilization, the resulting zygote has the correct number of chromosomes.