The main cause is poverty when the population have no money to pay electricity bills so they make illegal connections.
Electricity is not a metal; it is the flow of electrons. In static electricity, the particles in an object try to neutralize each other, which causes a shock when touched. Metals like copper are great conductors of electricity, and can be drawn in electrical wires.
Protons (acid), ions (salt), charged particles.
when water is poured in to a cicuit it acts as a condutor wich conduct electricity and increases current of the curcuit whish causes the wires too melt and over heat, burning the curcuit.
no because of the high radiation it causes. its illegal in the US and many other countries
Causes of accidents in south africa.
electricity causes an electromagnetic field, also radiation.
illegal logging
There is no friction IN static electricity. However static electricity can be caused BY friction.
In nature there are two types of electricity positive and negative
There are many causes for the business cycle in south Africa. One of the causes for this business cycle is the need for income.
a billion
electricity is something that causes shocks
Problems of electricity in community: The power lines radiate RF noise because of old, poor connections. The noise gets into radios and TV sets and causes interference. The electricity is expensive. The electicity may "go out" from time to time, causing an annoyance or the loss of refrigerated goods, or even cause a health problem for those needing medical equipment at home. On the whole, the benefits of electricity are greater than the problems.
Electricity is the force of what causes static cling in a dryer.