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the end products of photosynthesis are glucose and oxygen

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11y ago

actually, the main product of photosynthesis is glucose or sugar, while the by product of photosynthesis is oxygen......


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Q: What are the by products and end products of photosynthesis?
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What are the end products produced by a plant in photosynthesis?

The end products produced by a plant in photosynthesis are oxygen and high energy sugars.

The end products of photosynthesis are carried through?

End products of photosynthesis is glycerate-3-phosphate which is used to make sugar and RuBP.

End products of photosynthesis?

The end products of photosynthesis are glucose (a simple sugar), oxygen, and water. These products are generated by plants using sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water during the process of photosynthesis.

What are the end products of pho tosynthesis?

The end products of photosynthesis are glucose (sugar) and oxygen.

What r the end products of photosynthesis?

Glucose and Oxygen.

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it contains only oxygen

How are the end-products of photosynthesis utilized by the plant itself?

Glucose is the product of photosynthesis and oxygen is the by product of the photosynthesis. And are used in the process of photo respiration.

The end products of photosynthesis are?

Photosynthesis is the process by which a plant makes its own food. The end result of photosynthesis is the production of glucose to feed the plant, and the production of oxygen, for humans to breathe.

What part of the plant transports the end products photosynthesis both up and down the plant and has 6 letters?

The part of the plant that transports the end products of photosynthesis both up and down the plant is the phloem.

What are the end products of photosynthesis along with oxygen?

The end products of photosynthesis are glucose (sugar) and oxygen gas. The process of photosynthesis takes carbon dioxide and water, and with the help of sunlight, converts them into glucose and oxygen using chlorophyll in plant cells.

What is the end product of photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

The overall products of respiration are carbon dioxide and water. The overall products of photosynthesis are glucose and oxygen.

What is the end productbof photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

The end product of photosynthesis is glucose and oxygen. The end products of cellular respiration are ATP (energy), carbon dioxide, and water.