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The areas of sediment deposit where a river's mouth reaches flat land at the bottom of a mountain are known as alluvial fans. Alluvial fans are cone-shaped landforms that are created by the deposition of sediment carried by rivers as they flow from steep mountain terrain to flatter regions. The sediment is deposited at the base of the mountain due to a decrease in flow velocity as the river enters the flatter area.

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Q: What are the areas of sediment deposit where a rivers mouth reaches flat land at the bottom of a mountain?
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What are the areas of sediment where a rivers mouth reaches flat land at the bottom of a mountain?

Alluviain fans

Why would a fish fossil be found on a mountain?

Marine fossils form when creatures die and sink to the bottom where there is little oxygen, and are covered with sediment. If sediment continues to accumulate, after many years its weight will crush the deposit, and in combination with well known chemical processes, can cement it into sandstone. Later, if the sea floor it lifted by any of a number of (again, well understood) geological processes, what was once the sea floor can become part of a mountain. Such a mountain can form in a few million years, where fossils have been forming for 3 BILLION years.

What is a concentration of mineral fragments at the bottom of stream bed?

This is typically referred to as sediment accumulation, where mineral fragments settle and accumulate at the bottom of a stream bed over time due to the force of gravity and water flow. These sediment deposits can vary in size and composition depending on the types of minerals and rocks present in the surrounding area.

Why do sediments settle to the bottom of a lake or sea?

Sediments settle to the bottom of a lake or sea due to gravity. When the water movement slows down, the sediment particles that were suspended in the water column start to settle out. Over time, these sediment particles accumulate on the lake or sea floor, forming layers of sediment.

Sediment is placed in new location through a process called?

Sediment is placed in a new location through the process of sedimentation, where particles settle out of suspension in water or air and accumulate on the ground or at the bottom of a body of water. This can also be facilitated by the actions of agents like wind, water, and ice which transport and deposit sediment in new locations.

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What are the areas of sediment deposit where rivers mouth reaches flat land at the bottom of a mountain?

Alluviain fans

What areas of the sediment deposit where a river's mouth reaches flat land at the bottom of a mountain?

A+ Alluviain fans

What are the areas of sediment deposit where a river's mouth reaches flat land at the bottom of a mountain?

A+ Alluviain fans

What are the areas of sediment where a rivers mouth reaches flat land at the bottom of a mountain?

Alluviain fans

What is an aluvial fan?

Alluvial FansWhere a stream flows out of a steep, narrow mountain valley, the stream suddenly becomes wider and shallower. The water slows down, Here sediments are deposited in an alluvial fan. An alluvial fan is a wide, sloping deposit of sediment formed where a stream leaves a mountain range. As its name suggests, this deposit is shaped like a fan.

What is a sentence using the word sediment?

"The sediment deposited by the Nile River has formed a wide delta at its mouth.""Sediment can eventually fill up shallow mountain lakes until they become meadows."(metaphorically) "That bottom drawer is stuffed with the sediment of my school days."(humorously) "The new geologist on our team just showed me a lovely sediment."

Why would a fish fossil be found on a mountain?

Marine fossils form when creatures die and sink to the bottom where there is little oxygen, and are covered with sediment. If sediment continues to accumulate, after many years its weight will crush the deposit, and in combination with well known chemical processes, can cement it into sandstone. Later, if the sea floor it lifted by any of a number of (again, well understood) geological processes, what was once the sea floor can become part of a mountain. Such a mountain can form in a few million years, where fossils have been forming for 3 BILLION years.

What is a concentration of mineral fragments at the bottom of stream bed?

This is typically referred to as sediment accumulation, where mineral fragments settle and accumulate at the bottom of a stream bed over time due to the force of gravity and water flow. These sediment deposits can vary in size and composition depending on the types of minerals and rocks present in the surrounding area.

Why do sediments settle to the bottom of a lake or sea?

Sediments settle to the bottom of a lake or sea due to gravity. When the water movement slows down, the sediment particles that were suspended in the water column start to settle out. Over time, these sediment particles accumulate on the lake or sea floor, forming layers of sediment.

Sediment is placed in new location through a process called?

Sediment is placed in a new location through the process of sedimentation, where particles settle out of suspension in water or air and accumulate on the ground or at the bottom of a body of water. This can also be facilitated by the actions of agents like wind, water, and ice which transport and deposit sediment in new locations.

Why sedimentary rocks could not have been the first rocks on earth?

Sedimentary rocks form from the accumulation of sediment such as sand, silt, or clay. For sedimentary rocks to form, there must be pre-existing rocks that weather and erode to produce sediment. Therefore, sedimentary rocks could not have been the first rocks on Earth as they require the presence of older rocks to form.

Is sedimentary rocks made of hardened lava?

No. Sediment builds up on a bottom of a body of water, and sinks to the bottom. This is mostly little creatures near the surface of the water who die, then sink to the bottom. After decades of this, quite a thick layer of sediment is built up. This sediment can later be turned into . . . sediment ary rock.