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-Alternative to meat for protein for vegans and vegetarians

-High in protein, Low in fats. So perfect for dieters.

-Easy to make it look and taste of something else, i.e. the brand corn have create; Burgers, Meat, Chicken and even Fish!

-Can also be used to taste of snacks and sweet things!

-Cheap to make as it grows in the syrup in sugar cane

-Reproduces very quickly so the mycoprotein is created very quickly.

-Is used in developing countries or in famines because its cheap and quick to make and is high in protein and fibers.


-Very little flavour on its own.

-Is made in fermenters and labs which isn't a tasty though.

-It is a fungus and not everyone likes the idea of eating fungus


Caspar Barnes

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12y ago
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2w ago

Advantages of mycoprotein include being a complete protein source, low in saturated fat, high in fiber, and sustainable to produce. Disadvantages may include potential allergenic reactions in some individuals, processing with some additives, and concerns about food safety if not cooked properly.

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