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They are extremely swift, and can dive upon their quarry at speeds of more than 150 miles (241 kilometers) per hour[citation needed]. Golden eagles use their speed and sharp talons to snatch up rabbits, marmots, and ground squirrels. They also eat carrion, reptiles, birds, fish, and smaller fare such as large insects. They have even been known to attack full grown deer.[citation needed] Golden eagle pairs maintain territories that may be as large as 200 square miles (155 square kilometers). They are monogamous and may remain with their mate for several years or possibly for life. Golden eagles nest in high places including cliffs, trees, or human structures such as telephone poles. They build huge nests to which they may return for several breeding years. Females lay from one to four eggs, and both parents incubate them for 40 to 45 days. Typically, one or two young survive to fledge in about three months.

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9mo ago

Golden Eagles have keen eyesight to spot prey from a great distance, powerful talons to catch and kill prey, and strong wings for long flights and maneuverability. They also have a hooked beak for tearing flesh and a high-pitched call for communication.

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