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3w ago
  1. Mutualism: Both species benefit from the relationship.
  2. Commensalism: One species benefits while the other is unaffected.
  3. Parasitism: One species benefits at the expense of the other.
  4. Competition: Both species are negatively impacted due to competition for resources.
  5. Predation: One species benefits by consuming the other.
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Q: What are the 5 ecological relationship and its meaning?
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In Which type of ecological relationship does one organism benefit while not hurting or harming the other?

symbiosis or a symbiotic relationship

What is a ecological perspective?

An ecological perspective focuses on understanding the relationships between organisms and their environment. It considers how factors like climate, habitat, and interactions among different species impact the ecosystem as a whole. This perspective helps in studying the interdependence and interconnectedness of all living organisms within a given habitat.

What is an example of ecological relationship in grassland biome?

An example of an ecological relationship in a grassland biome is the mutualistic relationship between grasses and grazers. Grazers like bison or zebras feed on grass, which helps control the growth of grasses and prevents them from becoming too dominant. In return, the grasses provide food for the grazers, completing a mutually beneficial relationship.

What is Ecological Relationships?

An Ecological relationship is an relation between animals and their habitatTheir are 5 major ecological relationships:MUTUALISM: both living together with mutual benefit or both organisms benefited.PREDATION: The species was eating another organisms( their prey)PARASITISM: where in one organism is harmed and the other is benefited, the one that is harmed may die and the one benefited is a parasite.COMMENSALISM: where in only one of the organisms is benefited and the other is unaffected.COMPETITION: In which the organisms compete for each other to live.

What is the two fundamental ecological truths?

The two fundamental ecological truths are that everything is connected in an ecosystem, meaning that changes in one part of the system can have cascading effects on other parts, and that all life depends on energy from the sun for survival.

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What are the ecological relationship of flukes?

Flukes have a parasitic ecological relationship with their hosts, often living in the digestive, circulatory, or respiratory system of animals. They can cause harm to their hosts and impact their health and fitness. Flukes may also serve as intermediate hosts for other parasites, completing their life cycle and spreading infection.

What is the meaning of ecological conservation?

Science of relationship between organism and the environment. It is also called Bionomics

What is the icological relationship?

I'm assuming you mean ecological relationship.An ecological relationship is the relationship between organisms in an ecosystem. There are six ecological relationships in which two are oppositional and four are symbiotic. The oppositional relationships are predation and competition. The symbiotic relationships are mutualism, commensalism, amensalism, and parasitism.

What are the two kinds of ecological relationship?

competition and predation

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What is the ecological relationship of vulture and hyena?

They are both scavengers.

What sort of ecological relationship exists between a cow and the microorganisms living in its rumen?

It is a symbiotic relationship.

What ecological relationship exists between an orchid and a tree?


What is the ecological relationship between tree and orchid?

i think its commensalism

What are the different of ecological relationship?

Predation,parasitism,mutualism,commensalism, and competition.

Which ecological unit or relationship is least related to abiotic factors?


What is the ecological relationship between the sucker fish and shark?

the biolegy is flouing