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earth moves in two ways

rotation: moving about its own axis (causes day and night)

revolution: orbiting around the sun (causes seasons)

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Q: What are the 2 ways earth move around the sun?
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How does the sun move round the earth?

The sun does not move around the earth.

What are the two ways earth move?

1. The Earth revolves around the sun. 2. The Earth rotates (spins) onits axis

Which two ways does the earth move at the same time?

Actually three ways: on its axis, around the sun, and through space.

What does earth move around the sun?

Earth itself moves around the Sun.

Does the earth move around the sun or does the sun move around the earth?

well it depends if you live in the west the sun would move to the east and if you live in the east the sun would move to the west

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The moon revolves around the Earth and the Earth revolves around the sun. The moon does not revolve around the sun.

Thoes the sun move westwards around the earth?

No, the sun does not move westwards around the Earth. From our perspective on Earth, it appears as though the sun moves across the sky from east to west due to the Earth's rotation on its axis. In reality, the sun appears to move because of our planet's rotation, not because it is moving around the Earth.

Does the world move around the sun or is it the opposite?

The Earth revolves around the Sun.

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it does move

What makes the earth to move around the sun?

Gravitational attraction, by the Sun.

What cause the earth to move around the sun?

The gravitational pull of the sun.

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Pluto moves around the Sun, not the earth