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1. Condensatin

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 9mo ago

The two main driving forces behind the water cycle are solar energy and gravity. Solar energy drives evaporation and transpiration, leading to water vapor rising into the atmosphere. Gravity then pulls the condensed water vapor back to the Earth's surface as precipitation.

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Q: What are the 2 driving forces behind the water cycle?
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What is the driving force behind the movement of water through the water cycle?

The driving force behind the movement of water through the water cycle is the energy from the sun.

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The sun/solar energy is the driving force behind the water cycle.

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The sun/solar energy is the driving force behind the water cycle.

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The sun/solar energy is the driving force behind the water cycle.

What is the driving force behind the water cycle?

The driving force behind the water cycle is the energy from the sun. Solar radiation heats the Earth's surface, causing water to evaporate and form clouds. These clouds eventually release the water as precipitation, which flows back into bodies of water and continues the cycle.

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Moon helps in formation of tides. It too helps in water cycle.

Is the sun a driving force behind the water cycle why or why not?

Yes, the sun is a driving force behind the water cycle. Solar energy heats the Earthโ€™s surface, causing water to evaporate from oceans, lakes, and rivers. This evaporation forms clouds and leads to precipitation, completing the water cycle.

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The driving force behind the water cycle is the sun's energy. Solar radiation causes water to evaporate from the Earth's surface, forming clouds through condensation, and eventually leading to precipitation in the form of rain or snow.

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Three-fourths of the Earth's surface is covered by water The water cycle includes these water sources evaporating and returning to Earth as rain and snow What is the driving force behind the water?

The driving force behind the water cycle is solar energy. It provides the heat needed for water to evaporate from oceans, lakes, and rivers, forming clouds that eventually release precipitation back to Earth as rain and snow.

What is the driving force of behind the water cycle?

Ultimately - the Sun... The heat from the sun causes water to evaporate. This forms clouds - which create rain. The rain falls to earth and is eventually evaporated by the Sun... The cycle continues !

What from the sun is the most important part of renewing our water supply?

Solar radiation, or heat, is the driving force behind evaporation, transpiration and most aspects of our water cycle.